8 week check and jabs


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2011
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well we had ours today, like many others lol. Alyssa cried from the minute she was on the scales being weighed pretty much til i put her clothes back on after her jabs! had to feed her a couple of times just so the doc could give her the jabs and check her heart.

shes all smiles now on her playmat after sleeping it off a bit while i did a bit of grocery shopping. my 'little' chubbawubba now weighs 14lb 2oz after this weekends growth spurt up from 12lb 7oz last wednesday lol and she is 60 cm long too :)
Wow James was 60cm long at his 6 week check!!! Lol she's a good weight bless her and glad she's smiley again :-) xx
Awww bless her Alyssia didnt enjoy her jabs but was fine after a good sleep. Sounds like your LO is gorwing really well! X
Aww bless her at least its all done with for 4 weeks .

That's brilliant weight gain too so
Glad she's perked up a bit. And what a fantastic weight gain!
That's a brilliant weight gain! :-)
poor little darlin, got her to sleep at about 7 and she was fine, 15 mins later im making my tea and the dogs went mental at my mum walking past and woke her up. cue an hour odd of totally miserable crying and wailing. her legs are tender where the jabs were done and she screamed harder if i put pressure on them so hard to rock her without moving lol. gave her some calpol and endured the crying, put her in her pram and rocked her back to sleep, i hope she sleeps it off properly this time and is cheerier when she wakes up
Wow, doing well then. Well done you and well done to your little girlie!xx

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