7/8 months, how many BF's?

Nurse 26

Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2010
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how often is your lo feeding now? harry was having 4 up till about a week ago and now seems fine with 3.

i was at baby clinic the other day and when i asked her how many he should be having she said 2?? i'm guessing though that every baby is totally different, 2 just does not seem very much to me. harry is having 3 meals + snacks and 3 BF's morning, after lunch and before bed.
Although I am FF at weigh clinic last week the HV said she should be having 3 bottles a day, dropping down to 2 at about 9 months so sounds similar? E has morning, 3.30pm then bed bottle.
Harry varies (he's 7 months next week)

Anywhere between 3-5 but generally 3-4 although during the night it's hit and miss if I get away with not feeding him
Hun ignore HVs, do what feels right. Not every baby is by the book
Thanks ladies. so far have ignored all her advice. she told me to give him water when he was still waking at 5am for feed but i knew he was still hungry so kept feeding him and he stopped himself.

He has gone up 2centile lines in past few months but he was only tiny anyway. hes 16lb10 she just said milk has a lot of fat so thats why hes gained extra. im happy with his weight anyway so will just kept following what he wants.
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Oh and hes still eating his meals as well as the milk so i think its ok not to try cut back on bfs. i hate it when they make you doubt yourself
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I was still four or five times day then' go with what you feel, mummy knows best!
I'd just go with your instincts. In trying to stop H feeding in the night but the other night he wouldn't settle a d promptly drained both boobs so must of been hungry despite having 3 meals!!

Out if interest does your Harry have a big boob feed at bedtime or us it a shirt one? H is always tired so never seems to feed for more than 10 minutes!
The only big feed he has is morning for about 10 mins then never stays on for more than 5 mins even at bedtime
He only started going 12 hours at night without feed a couple of weeks ago. he always used to wake at 4/5 to feed now if he wakes i just re settle. x
T has 3 routinely. Morning, mid afternoon and bed time.

Though I have been feeding her if she wakes between 8-10pm just to send her off for the night cos we went through a stage where she would wake and not go back to sleep or kept waking every 30 mins.

Though tonight she didn't wake at all but I have given a dreamfeed cos she's poorly and hasn't been eating much and drinking much water today.
H is ff but he has 3 but is dropping the afternoon one a the moment! I have just taken his lead! His friends who are bf mostly have 4 so one first thing, mid morning, mid afternoon and evening!
4 usually I think.

Morning, after lunch, after tea, and bed.


On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(

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