6 weeks pregnant twins one fetal heart rate

Aww one of each thats so lovely ☺️ Im hoping to find out the genders too so I can get prepared I plan to not leave the house for the first few months after they arrive.

My sickness hasnt been too bad just a bit of nausea now and again and im not as tired as I was in the first few weeks.

How are you keeping?

Would like to stay in touch and follow your journey too. Maybe you can give me some tips. I could hardly sleep last night wondering how I was going to manage night feeds.

Yeah. I was hoping for one of each, so pretty pleased. It’s easier knowing who is who as well. My twin 1 is a girl and twin 2 is the boy.

I’m glad your sickness isn’t too bad! Mine was awful. It’s been much better lately, just really mornings now I need to take something for it.

I’m doing ok, just really tired and sore. Which is to be expected. I was really struggling with my sleep, waking up so many times a night sore and uncomfortable, but I got myself a pregnancy pillow and that’s helped the last few nights. The bigger you get the more uncomfortable it is!

I just had my growth scan today and they are both looking great which makes it all worth it!

Oh you will manage! I worry about all aspects of having two at the one time! But we will surprise ourselves I’m sure.
When are you due @Laula? You're welcome to come and join us in the November mums thread if you'd like :)

Ill be 40 weeks around 7th December but because they are twins ill probably not go full term so I would say ill more than likely be a November mummy too. Would love to join yous. Ill go over to the chat now ☺️
When are you due @Laula? You're welcome to come and join us in the November mums thread if you'd like :)
Yeah. I was hoping for one of each, so pretty pleased. It’s easier knowing who is who as well. My twin 1 is a girl and twin 2 is the boy.

I’m glad your sickness isn’t too bad! Mine was awful. It’s been much better lately, just really mornings now I need to take something for it.

I’m doing ok, just really tired and sore. Which is to be expected. I was really struggling with my sleep, waking up so many times a night sore and uncomfortable, but I got myself a pregnancy pillow and that’s helped the last few nights. The bigger you get the more uncomfortable it is!

I just had my growth scan today and they are both looking great which makes it all worth it!

Oh you will manage! I worry about all aspects of having two at the one time! But we will surprise ourselves I’m sure.

Is one of the twins bigger than the other or are they similar size? I cant wait to find out what im having. It will make it more real.

Yes pregnancy pillow is a good idea. Im only 7 weeks and I already feel awkward. My jeans dont fit anymore im just wearing track bottoms. Wont be long until im bringing out the maternity clothes.

I think you are right we will surprise ourselves at least I hope. The lady that scanned me told me she had twins at home and they were easier to manage than her toddler because they entertained each other.

Glad to hear your sickness is easing off. I think we are going to be tired for the next few years but its all going to be worth it! ☺️
Is one of the twins bigger than the other or are they similar size? I cant wait to find out what im having. It will make it more real.

Yes pregnancy pillow is a good idea. Im only 7 weeks and I already feel awkward. My jeans dont fit anymore im just wearing track bottoms. Wont be long until im bringing out the maternity clothes.

I think you are right we will surprise ourselves at least I hope. The lady that scanned me told me she had twins at home and they were easier to manage than her toddler because they entertained each other.

Glad to hear your sickness is easing off. I think we are going to be tired for the next few years but its all going to be worth it! ☺️

They are both pretty much the same! She said twin 1 (my girl) is slightly bigger but not by much. I am hoping it stays that way. It really is lovely to know. Makes it feel so much more real!

It’s 12 foot! And lovely and soft! Money well spent! I was getting desperate, hoping for another decent night.
Yes, I’ve had my maternity clothes out for a while! My jeans stopped fitting me so quickly and I am now probably bigger then I was with my first pregnancy at 34 weeks!!

Yes I think they will be good for entertaining each other, especially when older.
I think the fear of the unknown makes us worry more but once in a routine it will just feel normal!
Hi everyone

Hope all your pregnancies are going well :)

Just another update -

I had my 12 week scan last friday and both babies are doing well. Ive started to tell people and its nice not having to hide it anymore.

Ive been told different things by different midwives. I was told at my 6 week scan that the babies werent identical as they didnt share a placenta but at my 12 week appointment last friday which was at a different hospital I was told it was too early to tell and that the placentas havent fully developed yet and I wont know until my next scan. First hospital told me i would be scanned every 4 weeks but the second hospital said it would be every 2 weeks. Confusing. Do any of you have any knowledge on this?

Its not really important im just being curious. Just glad that they are both ok.
Hi everyone

Hope all your pregnancies are going well :)

Just another update -

I had my 12 week scan last friday and both babies are doing well. Ive started to tell people and its nice not having to hide it anymore.

Ive been told different things by different midwives. I was told at my 6 week scan that the babies werent identical as they didnt share a placenta but at my 12 week appointment last friday which was at a different hospital I was told it was too early to tell and that the placentas havent fully developed yet and I wont know until my next scan. First hospital told me i would be scanned every 4 weeks but the second hospital said it would be every 2 weeks. Confusing. Do any of you have any knowledge on this?

Its not really important im just being curious. Just glad that they are both ok.
Aww this is lovely to hear. How exciting! I dont have any idea about the placenta but I'm sure someone might have some insight. Are you going to find out the sex? X
@Laula glad everything is going well!
Babies can be identical even if they don’t share a placenta. They can have their own separate sacs or they can share one. The only way to know 100% babies aren’t identical before birth is it they are in their own sacs with their own placentas (DCDA) and are different sexes!

With DCDA twins you get scans every 4 weeks as they are considered lower risk.
With identical twins you get scanned every 2 weeks as they are considered higher risk.
Hopefully they can clarify for you at your next scan.
Hey ladies!

I had identical twins in April, they'll be 5 weeks old on Friday. My official due date was 16th June, but I ended up delivering them on 24th April when I was 32+3! It's been a bit of a rollercoaster but both boys are doing amazing and only spent 19 days in the SCBU.

If the NHS hospital is requesting you attend scans every 2 weeks, it sounds like they might be MCDA (identical twins), or they're just being cautious and scanning you more frequently until they find out for sure, which is really good!

Have they spoken to you about taking Aspirin yet? I was prescribed 75mg from 12 weeks as it helps with the blood flow through the placenta, along with reducing the risk of pre eclampsia.

Overall, my pregnancy journey wasnt too bad. The worst thing was feeling tired all the time. My nausea wasn't overly bad. I did end up with gestational diabetes at 26wk and then started with carpal tunnel syndrome at 28wk. But that's all cleared up now!

Being a twin mum is exhausting but amazing too! My boys have just recently decided to wake up at night...and cry...and then cry some more... so sleep has been a bit hard to come by. But we just nap during the day when they do. Do be prepared for them to come early. I was told to be ready from 30 weeks and that I'd be delivering no later than 36+6. I did feel ready to burst by the time they came, I don't know how I would have managed another few weeks tbh! Good luck with everything!xxx
@Helen88uk oh wow congratulations! I didn’t realise you’d had them already! That’s so good they didn’t have to spend too long in hospital, especially since they were a little early.

Oh I can imagine sleep will be a thing of the past for a good while yet!
I’m 30 weeks tomorrow so getting closer to meeting my two little twinnies.
@Helen88uk oh wow congratulations! I didn’t realise you’d had them already! That’s so good they didn’t have to spend too long in hospital, especially since they were a little early.

Oh I can imagine sleep will be a thing of the past for a good while yet!
I’m 30 weeks tomorrow so getting closer to meeting my two little twinnies.

I went for my 32 week scan and they said that Twin 2 hadn't grown as much as they'd liked, so they wanted me to deliver before 34 weeks. Next thing, they told me they'd booked me in for a C Section 2 days later!
The scan predicted that Twin 1 was 3lb 15oz and Twin 2 was 3lb 8oz. They were actually 4lb 10.5oz and 3lb 10oz when born! So they were way off with Twin 1! Quite lucky really as it looked more like TTS that IUGR.

We've actually had the best nights sleep in a while last night, but we laid them side by side in the cot bed, rather than at opposite ends. They have a travel cot downstairs which they sleep in side by side and always end up snuggled up close to eachother, but we'd been advised to sleep them at opposite ends of the cot bed at night. But at the moment they're still way too small to be able to roll and it seems to settle them, being close to eachother.

They now weigh 6lb 10oz and 5lb 10oz, so they've both gained 2lb since birth which is great. Still dinky and most of their clothes drown them... but getting there!

@mummybear2 are you all ready for your two coming then? Do you have kids already? These are our first, so we don't know any different in terms of how difficult having two at once is lol! Thankfully, my husband has been off work for the past 5 weeks, but he goes back next week (he's a builder). I've allowed immediate family to visit as they've been isolating, but they dont stay long. It's a strange time to have babies!xxx
Oh wow. I still have my fingers crossed I can get to 37/38 weeks! I have another growth scan in 3 weeks, so will see how they’re doing then.

I’m apart of a few twin groups on Facebook and always see lots of parents choose to have them cosleep side by side. They always look so cosy and peaceful! I say make the most of it until they start hitting each other. Ahah.

@Helen88uk I already have a 4 year old daughter, so I have had the sleepless nights but the thought of two still terrifies me! Hopefully they come along and surprise me. That would be nice, some nice easy twins! I wish!

I’m getting there! I have my cot coming on Monday but am still waiting for my pram, hopefully that turns up next month, it was preordered. Started on my hospital bag too. It’s all getting a bit too real.

So glad your two are getting on well, it’s lovely to hear.

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