6 weeks in...the toughest on the job training ever!


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2007
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Any other job you'd be given an induction, someone to show you the ropes for a bit first...but not the most important job in the world being a mummy!! straight in at the deep end.

Well Isla is 6 weeks old now, mummy is feeling healed up, feeding issues are resolved and shes putting on weight faster than mummy did...and mummy had a serious curly wurly habit!

Things i've learnt

Everyone has advice...you might not want to listen, but let some of it sink in...doing everything by your baby books doesnt work, parents are fonts of wisdom and every baby is different.

Babies have an inbuilt sense of when you want to eat and will cry/poop at these times especially!

They also have a brilliant habit of changing...just as you think you've got them sussed!! repeat never say to anyone...oh she/he is on x hourly feeds as they'll change immediately! They might hate their bath, then suddenly love it, then start hating something they have loved previously.

Baby poo can come in a mass of variety and texture...you would never of imagined yourself examining someone elses poo before having a wee one..or indeed ever think you'd put human exrement in your wheely bin!

You have to share! allowing others to share the joy of your little one only brings more joy to yourself!

Prepare for it to take considerably longer to go out, you just about get ready then you realise theres not enough time before the next feed to get there and you wait another hour...you can plan to meet people within a 1-2 hour window...back to the previous point if you think you know when you'll be able to feed them and plan around it they will change!

Then prepare for it to take longer whilst your out as people love to stop and chat about your newborn, normally this would piss you off but you are soooo proud you just love it!

Choosing an outfit for your wee girl/man to wear takes longer than deciding what your going to wear (after all you only have about 3 things that fit your post preggers body), but you're not even interested in looking at the womens section and head straight for the baby clothes.

Finally you are grateful that everything is repeated on the telly a hundred times as you actually get a chance to watch something all the way through, even if its over 3 days!

You can survive on 4 -5 hours sleep in a 24 hour period!

No matter how knackered you are, how grumpy they are being, you actually find yourself wanting them to wake so that you can take care of them...(then get caught taking them out of the cot for a cuddle!)

its possible to do everything with one hand...and the only dirty knives you have are ones that have been used to make up the bottles!

All in all the hardest on the job training there is but also the most rewarding!!
Brilliant post! So true. It truely is the best job in the world!
Oh yes, how life changes once they arrive. Its funny how everything else in life we worried about before they arrived doesn't seem to matter anymore. And what used to take an hour to get ready you can now seem to do it in 5mins :?
I love your post. Congrats on being a Mummy and also sounding like you're enjoying it :D
And you've got at least another 6 weeks of it being like that too :D

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