6 week post partum appointment


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2013
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I seem to do nothing but tell my tales of woe when I'm on here.

Not long after I had Leo I had a couple of hospital appointments come through one is clear its with the fetal medicine specialist to discuss the pm results but the other, which Is next week, has no details it just says outpatient appointment in the women's health / gynaecology department at the hospital.

I called today to ask what it was for - wanted to be prepared if I'm going to be poked and prodded - I was told its the normal 6 week pp appointment.

I've had a quick google about what this entails but I wondered if anyone else has had to do this following the birth of an angel baby and how was it for them?

I'm freaking out about it already - it's in the same place where all the ladies with their happy ever after babies will be for their check ups. I'll be surrounded by babies but won't be there with mine, I don't think I can handle that.

I'm having a bad few days anyway so maybe I'm overreacting and worrying for nothing. If anyone has had to do this after their loss please let me know what is involved.

Thank you as always


- now Free
I have never experienced this but totally can't see why you should have to attend the same clinic as those mums with their forever babies! It would be awfulvsnd heartbreaking for you.

I would contact the hospital and ask if there is anywhere else you could be seen or if you gp could do it.

I have only had pp checks done after live births and it has been done at my gp surgery and involved them feeling to see if your uterus is back to its originsl size and position. And checking any scars from stitches etc and a depression check for pnd.
I think its totally unacceptable for you to have to go to the same place as the others. I think its shocking! It seems to be a common problem with hospitals and people experiencing mc etc. I would definetly contact the hospital but its easy to say as I understand it must be just another slap in the face and hurdle for you! Big hug honey!! Xxxx
It seems to be one thing after another - I find it incredulous that they would make people like me sit in a waiting room with a the happy endings. I know it's all related etc but they seem to have no clue about how hard it must be for us.

I spoke to my GP to see if I could have the check there but because I had to have surgery they say I need to see the hospital consultant.

Oh well, lots of deep breaths. Just another smack in the face but I guess there will be plenty more to come

Thats terrible. I would be inclined just to go to your gp and say you want looking over by him anyway and then not show up for the other appointment. If your gp has any concerns you can take it from there.
Well after all that, I've received a letter in today's post saying my appointment has been cancelled and they will send a new date shortly.

I give up

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