6 week check-up


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2007
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What happens? i thought it was mainly about me as people hadn't mentioned the baby side apart from her coming with me.

Now i've read that they'll check her over, but what are they going to do exactly, i cant take another thing like when the baby doctoer checked her before we left hossi.

And also i read somewhere that they get vacinations at 6-8 weeks and they'd have to be weighed and measured before attending that pointment and on my letter it says i must attend a HV session that week and get her weighed and measured, does this mean they intend to do it then.

no-ones mentioned anything to me, just like no-one told me aboyut the baby doctor before we left hossi!!!
when i went hun they asked if i felt ok took my bp and checked my section wound and that was it, i was in and out in 5 mins and they never looked at Hannah. It was a complete waste of time
Hi hun

I dont no about your area, but when i had my "6week check up" it was actually at 8 weeks and caitlyn had her first set of jabs. they checked her hips and eyes and her breathing an then asked how i was , id already been prescribed Anti depressants due to PND, but that it was they are generally looking out for. You should defo have seen your HV before this appointment. If not then you can go to one of the local baby weighing clinics

For my six week check up they checked my blood pressure and discussed contraception.
Calleigh had a little check over, just looking at eyes, skin and she would have been weighed and measured but only the day before the HV had done it so the doc didnt bother.

Calleigh didnt have her first set of jabs till 8 weeks and they sent me out an appointment.
When Angel was 6 weeks i had an appointment for my HV to come and visit us at home. But this was for her. It was to just check her length, weight and head circumference. And it was an opportunity to ask anything, BF and i had to fill in a questionnaire of how i was feeling and talk about anything she thought wasn't quite right. I guess a check for PND. I didn't have my 6 week check til Angel had her 8 week jabs. They checked her over. Hips and neck. And just asked me a couple of questions as to how i was feeling and gave me my depo injection.
Galen was weighed and measured at home by HV at 6 weeks. We had our 6 week appointment with my GP a day before he turned 7 weeks. GP checked him over. Nothing major. Things like eyes following his finger, reflexes, hips, toe action (primate instinct to curl toes round finger), listened to heartbeat and so on. Your LO is fine from it and in no danger, even if not the most fun thing for them.

Had a chat with me to ask how things are regarding yourself. That's the time to mention anything health wise. Will take your BP iirc (I had mine done by the nurse just beforehand).

He'll fill in some paperwork in your red book so make sure you have that with you.

Jabs then happen a a week or two later. You get sent an appointment time and its 2 jabs, one in each leg, usually done at the same time. All over with very quickly. Just check that they don't send out mass appointment blocks where 15 babies are all booked in for 2pm and 15 more for 2.30pm etc. If so get there early so as to not have to wait over an hour (that happened to us and I left after an hour with Galen not having had his jabs, I complained to the practice manager when I got home and they booked me in for a private appointment for jabs the following week).
I had my 6week check up at 7 weeks as we were away on Hol in Cornwall
Collier got checked over i was simply given a verbal chat on ho i felt and did i have any concerns and answere questions about my health had my periods started what about conraception ect ect
Colliers reflexes and muscular responses where checked and she also checked to see if his bowles were working ok as Coller had stopped making as many poos it was fine :D .
My MW never weight Collier it wasnt untill we were handed over the the HV that he was weight
Collier had already been weight by the HV at home and then at the HV clinic at the doctors surgery
I had the last HV clinic just before the check up and he was measured for the first time
They write all the info in the red book

hes getting his first jab a bit late this Wednesday you usually have it done at 8 weeks hes getting a 10 weeks
Due to my not being able to get anywhere i dont drive so booked it to land when James was home

I've had no 6 wk check :? got appointment for Coops 8 wk check and thats in 2 wks.. he'll been 10 wks by then doctors said it was so late due to staff shortages :roll:
My check and Becky's were seperate. I made my own appointment for the 6 week and just got my BP checked and sorted contraception. The appointment for Becky's 8 week check (at 10 weeks, ha!) was with the GP - he did the developmental checks and vaccinations. The HV did her weight, length and head circumference after. Was a bit of a production line - as soon as we were out someone else was in for the same!
Oh so really it could be anything :?

I'll ask the HV when she comes around tomorrow, im just desperate not to go alone if shes being vaccinated.

My appointment is at 6 weeks (i think, maybe 7 :think: ) and it was made for me and sent through the post and will be with a GP (though she's a rubbish one)
I had to make 2 back-to-back appointments with the doctor for me & ds- just what the others have said, I don't think the doctor even examined me just discussed contraception & asked how I was feeling. Then he checked ds's hips & boy bits, and weighed & measured him. - then we had an appointment with the nurse straight after for the first jabs.

All the appointments were at 8 weeks rather that 6 weeks.
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abcd1234 said:
Oh so really it could be anything :?

I'll ask the HV when she comes around tomorrow, im just desperate not to go alone if shes being vaccinated.

My appointment is at 6 weeks (i think, maybe 7 :think: ) and it was made for me and sent through the post and will be with a GP (though she's a rubbish one)

I doubt its for the jabs. IIRC the first ones are 8 weeks. A nurse usually does these. Vaccination card comes through a bit later.

You'll be fine going to the 6 week check on your own with LO. Its only to chat etc with you and check baby over. Nothing major.

You could always phone your GP's surgery to check.

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