6 months what can your bubs do?


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2007
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As the title says :) What can your bubba do?

James doesnt crawl yet, he hasnt realised he can move his arms but he shuffles backwards like a crab :lol: He give kisses when you ask him to (open mouth sloppy dribble ones), holds his arms out to be picked up and says Mum mum when he cries and is upset. He can feed himself a bottle (I always supervise but he can hold it) and he likes feeding himself with a spoon. He doesnt do anything else yet really....oh he has the funniest temper though - he makes his little hands into fists, extends his arms, screams and shakes his whole body. Il have to get a video its hilarious :lol:

What can your little ones do?
Angel can shuffle backwards. She can spin round pretty quick though to face the other way. She can rock on all fours. And now escape her inflatable tyre! When she cries she grabs my arm trying to pull herself up it!
Good thread.

DD can roll over and back again and rolls around the room. She can shuffle a bit but its still working progress. She grabs my top and pulls when she wants feeding. She can stand really well supported by myself or the sofa (or something). She can sit right forward in the bouncer and is very close to sitting unaided. Shes very good at holding objects and passing them through her hands looking at them from all different angles including the sippy cup which is very annoying :wall:

I thought she was behind for her age but now i see what the other 6 month olds can do i think shes doing ok. :D
green bean can roll over and back again... And um, passes stuff from hand to hand... And um that's it really! Oh he has major screaming fits when i leave him or pass him to his dad and tries to wriggle off him onto to me...
Other than that, as the song says "he does nothing-the boy does nothing" :lol:
I have a terribly lazy baby by the looks of things :(
She can sit unaided and thats about it. Oh and is trying to get round in the walker.
She doesnt roll, crawl (not even attempt it) and hasnt said mama, dada or anything yet.
She only learnt the other day that she can actually stand on her legs :roll: and thats when i stand her up on my lap
charlie84 said:
I have a terribly lazy baby by the looks of things :(
She can sit unaided and thats about it. Oh and is trying to get round in the walker.
She doesnt roll, crawl (not even attempt it) and hasnt said mama, dada or anything yet.
She only learnt the other day that she can actually stand on her legs :roll: and thats when i stand her up on my lap

She'll probably doing crawling and more in a short space of time later on. Just when that times comes there'll be no stopping her!
Becky can sit unsupported but only for a very short time as she always wants to be somewhere else. She's been able to escape the Bumbo for a while and now sits bolt upright in her bouncy chair so she's in her high chair now when she's observing me cooking etc :lol: She's been rolling for a while but previously her arm got in the way but as of only a few days ago she can now roll to get from A to B. She goes up on her palms and occasionally fknees but there's no sign she's going to use that to get anywhere - rolling is sooo much faster :rotfl:

She can pass from hand to hand no problem and has recently learned to pick up smaller things (well, food) with thumb and forefinger. She makes lots of sounds that sounds like recognisable words but there's no pattern whatsoever to her using them :rotfl: Today she signed "milk" for the first time :dance: and she's been clapping her hands on request for a couple of weeks now.
Maia can roll from front to back but she doesnt do it often, I dont think she likes it. She cant go from back to front, she teeters on her side and almost goes over but then goes flat onto her back. She can pass toys from one hand to another, she can stand with me supporting her. She makes lots of noises and has done from very early on but theres no mama or dada yet. She can sit unaided for a bit but then loses her balance and either falls forward and cant pull herself back up or she goes sideways. She does however have a brilliant bottom lip, which she shows me frequently :) I find it hilarious!
charlie84 said:
I have a terribly lazy baby by the looks of things :(
She can sit unaided and thats about it. Oh and is trying to get round in the walker.
She doesnt roll, crawl (not even attempt it) and hasnt said mama, dada or anything yet.
She only learnt the other day that she can actually stand on her legs :roll: and thats when i stand her up on my lap

They're all different hun. Green bean rolls, but he doesn't sit up, he manages a few seconds aided but that's it, and he doesn't put weight on is legs. He doesn't say mama, he says dadadadadada and rarararararara but they're random. Our babies just know we're here to do everything for them so why should they do anything! ;-)
monster_munch said:
Our babies just know we're here to do everything for them so why should they do anything! ;-)

:lol: Yeah i think thats it :lol:
Hmmmm :think: Not sure what sort of things but I'll list the stuff I tend to notice.

He commando crawls, more round in circles but does go forward a bit too. Tries to get up on his knees into a crawling position but hasn't quite got the strength. Sits pretty much unaided now. Tries to go from sitting to a crawling position but hasn't quite sussed it yet. Can only sit in his high chair or his playstation now. Or with us. Bouncy chair and bumbo are both useless for him.

He loves books and holds them and turns the pages himself. Chatters to the pictures and gets really excited. We spend ages looking at books, have done since he was about 3 months old.

Feeds himself pretty much. Started weaning about 10 days ago and knew straight away what the spoon was for and was grabbing it and putting it in his mouth. Eats his finger foods well but has a little trouble with the smaller things still. He grabs me now when he is hungry.

He rolls both ways. Tries to pull/sit himself up. Passes from hand to hand. Stands with us supporting him. Loves walking too. Its adorable seeing his little tippy toes :) Does soemtimes hold his arms out for me to pick him up. Usually yells a lot (has a certain yell he uses I've learnt to recognise now :roll: )

Plays peekaboo and puts the muslin over his own head and waits for me to pull it off and squeals when I say 'peekaboo' then laughs and pulls the muslin back over his head. He will do this for ages and never seems to tire of it :lol: :roll:

His main thing is he is really mentally alert. Far more so than other babies around his age that we come into contact with or that I've looked after. Every time we go somewhere he checks *everything* out, spends ages looking round, noticing things. Other Mums get to sit and chat while their babies relax. Galen wants to be constantly moving and looking round. I know no peace until he has checked out everything he wants. He can sit and amuse himself with toys and things for ages. He isn't a cuddly baby at all and his first thing when you pick him up is that he uses his arm to push away from you so he can look round :roll: He leans so far you *have* to go with where he is heading :lol: He always seems to be on the go. No one can really cuddle him, anyone holding him has to be moving or doing something of interest or else they end up with a baby who doesn't want to be held. He only likes cuddles in the morning or at bedtime.

He is very vocal :lol:

I'm sure he does other little things but I can't really think of them right now.
he can do loads,
rolls both ways perfecyly
can sit unaided for hours playing
can stand alone for a minute
can crawl a few paces on hands and knees,
can rollypolly not very well goes more like a handstand lol
can say mum
understrands no
can clap and wave
picks arms up to be held by sertain people not jiust everyone
can perfectly grab an item off the floor including a small hard round ball!!
can food himself anything really even choc buttons haha (dairy free ofcource)
can almost pull himself up in his cot
knows if we are somewhere knew and goes off to investigate everything,
oh and he can stroke animals quite well
think thats about it, i think hes clever not sure who he gets it from though :lol:
He can -

Be a HUGE pain in the bum!! :lol: But he can also -

Roll back and forth
He chatters ALL the time, always waffling on with noises etc
Stand supported by me or the sofa etc for ages
Nearly sit up unadied - he fails when he reaches for something and loses balance!
Can feed himself fingerfoods and off the spoon (though, that is messy!!)
Puts his hands up to be picked up
Says Mama when crying/winging
Turns into strech armstrong when reaching for the sky remote :roll:
Can hold own bottle, but dosent lift it high enuff to get the last few oz out.
Understands (and ignores) the word NO!
Passes things from hand to had, and from feet to hands

I think thats about it... :cheer:
mmmm lets see he can
-sit up unaided
-stand for ages supported
-pick up toys from the floor
-say mama
-eat solid foods well
-starting with finger foods
-roll from front to back
-commando craawl
-pull his sisters hair :rotfl:
-helps feed himself his bottle
-puts dummy in and out of his mouth
-passes toys from hand to hand

so all in all hes doin ok :D
Sherlock said:
Plays peekaboo and puts the muslin over his own head and waits for me to pull it off and squeals when I say 'peekaboo' then laughs and pulls the muslin back over his head. He will do this for ages and never seems to tire of it :lol: :roll:

I forgot that DD does this has done since very early on its so funny she loves it. :rotfl:
Mine is more of a case of what he can't do :(

He cant sit at all he just flops over and it all ends in tears

He cant roll and doesn't even attempt to

He wont lay on his front without screaming his heart out so no crawling

He cant feed himself a bottle

He doesnt babble any words

He cant move his walker even on the tiles, just sits there.

He CAN stand on his own holding the sofa for a few minuets!
Talia can:

Sit supported for ages and unsupprted for a few mins.

Stand on her feet for a few mins with support.

Hold a bottle and feed her self.

Eat finger foods and food from a spoon.

Babble squeel laugh blow raspberrys say familiar sounding words.

Can almost crawl, can get up onto her hands and knees and go a short distance but hasnt quite got the strength yet to go very far.

Recognises her fave programmes on tv and gets very excited and laughs when they come on!

Rolls around both ways.

Play with and chews on her feet.

Claps hands and waves them about when shes hungry and sitting in her high chair.

Thats all i can think of for now :)
Finlay can:

Feed himself with his bottle (when he can be bothered :lol:)
Feed himself finger foods (again when he can be bothered :lol:)
Sit up unaided for a bit
Roll over
Pass things from one hand to another
Grab a toy/hair/necklace/glasses/paper or anything he shouldn't have and put them to his mouth
Put himself to sleep (when he can be bothered)
Sort of clap his hands
Play on his own for a bit
Pull himself up from sitting back
Stand when you let him hold onto the table or something
Eat his feet - in fact he's so entertained by them :lol:
Sort of crawl - involves being face planked to the floor and not moving his hands
Talk to himself in the morning :lol:
I'm sure he says "Hiya" and "Yeah" :lol:

There are more but I can't think
Bee said:
Finlay can:

Put himself to sleep (when he can be bothered)
Play on his own for a bit
Eat his feet - in fact he's so entertained by them :lol:
Talk to himself in the morning :lol:
There are more but I can't think

Oo those have reminded me Galen does similar. The feet eating is very amusing to us. To him its serious business and needing much effort :lol:

He's been going off to sleep on his own since 6 weeks :shock: And when he wakes in the mornings he is always happy to lie in his cot and chatter away to himself till one of us goes over to him. I love his big smile when he sees me then.

Finlay likes eating our feet too - so we have just found out prior to him crashing out asleep on the floor :lol:

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