6 months pregnant and not know??? am I likely??


Apr 30, 2012
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Hi Guys

Before I start may I apologise for coming across as a complete odd ball! I have 3 close friends who had babies and they were pretty obvious at 6 months. Anyway here are my concerns

Last had sex (vaginally....this makes a difference haha) in October with my partner. We have not had it since as he works away etc. Since October I have had a fairly heavy period every month. I have also taken a pregnancy test about 5 times as some months I came on slightly longer or shorter times due to the pill Cerazette I was on and not always the most strict with.

Now I dont have any large boobs, or bigger tummy. I am a UK size 10 with a pot belly but looking at pics prior to October I have always looked this way with a bloated stomach. I can suck my stomach all the way in. I dont feel movement...sometimes bubbles but usually when I have or about to have gas. I have IBS so used to tummy moves anyway.

However, about 2 weeks ago by partner came back and we had anal sex (disgusting I know and apologise if I offend anyone) I came off Cerazette last week due to palpitations and anxiety and 9 days on still no period...took a test clear blue digital and it said not pregnant.

Is it unlikely that I am pregnant from 6 months ago and have neg tests and periods but then stop my periods now all of a sudden? I am hoping the lack of period is just the damn Cerazette pill as I have read it can take a while for a period.

Loads of baby websites just freak me out with stories of women who had periods and neg tests AND no bump until like 7 months!!
Aww hun sounds like its just your pill sweety and google has scared you :hugs: I imagine your cycle has gone a bit odd due to cerazette but if you really are worried go to your gp and get a blood test for pregnancy then you know once and for all hunny

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Coming off of the pill can effect your cycles hun so its probably more likely down to that than anything else, hope that helps :)

thanks....re reading it I actually cringed...I am 28 and not usually this mental!!! It is all the crazy american sites with people all coming out with horror stories. I may get a blood test done but feel a bit ridiculous asking my Dr and explaining the above :P
Dont feel daft sweety, google is the devil honestly. I googled my sore throat last night and it told me I had AIDS :wall:

I do doubt very much you are pregnant given u had it up the bum ( cheeky ) last time, the pill can do odd things and also remember if your period is due the symptons of this are all similiar to if you were pregnant, our bodies mess with our heads lol!

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The pill defo can mess up your cycles, give it time I'm sure you're fine x
i dont really mind if I was pregnant by some weird super sperm that travelled and found their way to the right hole last time haha i am more worried about 6 months ago. I have dont a lot of drinking and smoking etc in 6 months!
This is the funniest thread ive ready in a while, its really made me giggle!! :lol:

i very much doubt your pregnant hun, especially from the last :bum:love, unless you humped superman?! I would imagine its just the pill playing with your cycles, it can sometimes take a while for hormones to settle down etc.

If there still no sign in a week or 2 go to the docs, he doesnt need to know the ins and out! (haha) Just tell him you missed a pill or 2 and worried you could be pregnant (a little white lie won't hurt!).

Try not to stress, if you stress your period will stay away, just to mess with your head a little more!

Best of luck x x x
for the record I know I cant get preggers from booty loving haha I am more worried about 6months ago
glad I could provide a good giggle :) having one myself :D
I was almost 20 weeks pregnant when I found out with ds1 with a period every month till 7 months gone but I didnt take one pregnancy test as didnt suspect I was pregnant x

go see your gp if you are worried but the pill can really muck up your cycle xx

I just wanted to say that when I came off Cerazette a couple of years ago it took 4 months for me to get a period. I didnt even get a withdrawl bleed or anything. Apparently its quite common with pills like Cerazette

My cycles took about 3 months to get back to normal after coming off Cerazette x
Clear blue digits don't work after your three months preggers (apparently)
Sounds like the pill has messed you up. If u really r that worried go to doc or family planning clinic and ask for blood test. If u don't want to tell the story just say u missed a week worth of pills a few months ago and are worried. Good luck

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