Well, I'm 6 days overdue and I'm starting to get a bit down about it now. I've had no signs that this baby will be coming soon (apart from very slight period cramps on Friday). MW attempted a sweep last Tuesday but cervix wasn't even ready. She's going to try another sweep tomorrow but after the last one I'm not getting my hopes up. I know I will prob be holding bubs this time next week at the latest but these last few weeks have really dragged and I'm getting so tired. I went 2 weeks overdue with my son and ended up being induced and I really don't want it to come to that again. I really didn't prepare myself for going overdue again. It doesn't help when every Tom Dick and Harry are ringing/texting to see if I've popped and the mum's at Sean's nursery keep saying 'have you still not had that baby yet...' etc
Ok rant over.
Ok rant over.