6 days late and still bfn's


New Member
Jan 10, 2011
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Hi girls i new on here although am on another pregnancy forum, i am 6 days late now, my cycles has been 21 days with mens for 4 days for last 3 after coming off pill, Af was due wed but nothing, i have done 4 tests now 1 2 days befor was due 2 on day i was due and one yesterday all have been negative.

I am so confused, i have had a few symptoms like really bad back ache, sever tiredness, boobs are def heavier and today i noticed my nipples are very sensitive and quite sore and hard constanly, (tmi sorry) but i look like im smuggling peanuts.

I phoned my doc to ask what i should do and to ask for a blood test and she said to wait until 30 days and see what happens, so that will be friday.

im so annoyed, and confused, if AF is coming i wish would just hurry up and put me out of my misery
Hi sarahd84 how r things going? Im still no sign of af but ive not tested since yesterday morning. So im now 10 days late.Not too sure what to do? Its the latest ive ever been without being pregnant!

Hope ure ok
your not alone- im 3 days late now and still no AF seems identical symptoms to me!!
fingers crossed for us all x x
I'm on cycle day 37 so maybe I could get a blood test end of week too??! X
Cant understand why if i am pregnant why its not showing on home test wasnt this complicated with our first!

How long does blood test take to come back?
Hope u all well
well im peeing quite alot - hopefully good pregnancy sign - aand ive read that if you pee quite alot then theres not enough time to build up the hormone in your pee!!
my sister had a healthy baby girl 3 yrs ago and she said it took 8wks before she had her BFP!!
Cant say im peeing anymore than usual but defo feel bloated and tender breasts every now an then esp when take off my bra and just noticed the veins there are much more noticeable also feel gonna get dodgy tummy as if im gonna get trots sorry. But yet still no af or bfp! Aaaarrrrgggghhhh!

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