

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2014
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So I am 5+3 today and have felt very little in the way of symptoms since my BFP. I have had sore boobs for a few days but that has gone now and on and off cramps but thats all...what is everyone else feeling at this stage?! x
I'm around 5 weeks too :-) only found out yesterday so still sinking in. I didn't think I really had any symptoms, but thinking back to the last week or two there's been a few which I've just put down to other things. I've been ridiculously tired (the reason I decided to test!), struggling to stay awake past 8/9pm. I've been a bit crampy the last couple of days, I originally thought af was coming which is why I didn't test earlier! I've been having real hot flushes too, especially at night.
Try to enjoy the lack of symptoms before they all come at once!! Xxx
Congratulations!!! :o)

ha ha yeah thats what my sister said! I was moaning that I didnt have morning sickness and she said she would remind me of that when I get it!

I am feeling super lucky actually! :o) We have a scan next week at 6+4 (we had fertilty treatment so an early scan is standard!) so I am super excited to see something on the screen which I think will make it all seem much more real!

Telling the mother in law tonight too! xxx
I'm really hoping I avoid the morning sickness this time. I was only actually sick a handful of times with Oscar, but felt sick aaaaalll the time for the first 3/4 months, urgh it was horrible :-( it was the one thing that gave it away to my managers at work, I only managed to hide it from them until I was 6 weeks!!
Oh wow, so this baby is even more special to you then after having fertility treatment :-) good luck for your scan!!
I'm 6 weeks and only have slightly sore boobs, some small cramps and tiredness.

My last pregnancy was exactly the same. Try not to worry
Thank you ladies! I will stop worrying & just start enjoying feeling okay! :)

Congratulations, seriously I wouldn't read into symptoms :)
There's no correlation, in both my pregnancies (my past one and this one) I haven't experienced any symptoms. Well actually this time I had very tender nipples for the first week or so after finding out, but now they're fine. My boobs are now a little tender (like they'd be premenstrually) but other than that, symptom free at 11+5 xx
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Oh really?! that is very reassuring! thank you! I think i was just expected to feel super different from the day of my BFP! xx
hey all i am 6+5 didnt feel much at 5 weeks but now i have extremely sore boobs and sick when my body get hungry sickness is starting to stay even after eating now. my doc said symptoms kick in usually two weeks after missed period x
Congratulations, I'm 7+4 and I've not had a massive amount of symptoms...ive had the odd retching moment and slight waves of nausea but no actual sickness, my boobs have grown a cup size and my nipples are sore, apart from that and the constant tiredness I feel fine, I keep forgetting that I'm expecting x

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