:( 50/50 Chance.


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2010
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Hey girlies,
Well two nights ago i started to get brown spotting and aching in my stomach not heavy cramps but just enough dull ache for me to feel something was wrong, it felt like my period was on its way..
Then a couple hours later i started to bleed like my period just a little less (i have heavy periods,) which then i was passing pea sized clots for a whole day :(

I phoned up my doctor and Nhs direct who said to me that i am probably having a miscarriage, i of course was upset and cried myself to sleep and woke up thinking i had lost the baby.
My Doctor said even though it sounds silly to go to the supermarket and buy first reponse pregnancy tests and take both of them and she said to me that if the line is getting darker instead of getting fainter i still have a real good chance i am pregnant as if i was miscarrying my hormone was decrease not increase and to my joy i took the test and they are as dark as the control line which made me have a lot of hope :)
She put my mind at rest with this (tbh i think she done it because i kept phoning up!! and because i wasn't getting seen until tuesday!) It was great to hope and have faith that my bean is okay by doing this.

The bleeding the next day had slowed down no clots just blood which i thought could be a good sign, The blood today is hardly anything more like a watery red when i wipe i am hardly touching a pad anymore (sorry tmi).. So i phoned up my Nhs direct again who said they would put me in for an ultrascan on tuesday so i'm up the EPU then.. which is a good relief.

I have still been urging like normal, feeling sick as normal and have tingly breasts and tender nipples etc etc.. My dr said that still having my pregnancy symptoms is a great sign that i may have had a "breakthrough bleed"
But of course i could still be under a miscarriage threat because of the clots that i have lost..

But i had a miscarriage in May i was 6 weeks and two days and i bled HEAVY for 8 days straight, it was full of blood clots and mucous (tmi sorry) not to mention the pain was undbearable and i was bed ridden..
I saw my baby in the toilet paper :(
.. and this time it's just been blood.. and minor pain and i'm feeling okay.

Anyone else suffered with a 24 hour heavy bleed with clots for it suddenly to stop and everything was okay with your little bean?
I need some answers as i'm pulling out my hair wondering if i am still pregnant, i am just so scared.

Thank you girles. Sorry for the long post x
Please hold on little one xxxx
I mc'd at 5 weeks last month and my bleeding was heavy for 3 days so fingers crossed ur bean is hanging in there!
I am praying for you hun x
With my m/c I bleed for a whole week and passed a very big clot which was the baby. I didn't have any little clots. Fingers crossed for you Hun x x
I had a small bleed at about 10 weeks and was convinced it was a miscarriage I bled for about 3 days then it just stopped! Fingers crossed for you Hun x
I haven't had a big bleed but had 2 smaller bleeds on at just over 5 weeks and one at 8 weeks - very very scary when they happened (I was in floods of tears) but it was just one of those things and baby was fine at 12 week scan. Fingers crossed for your scan on Tuesday.
I had a 3 day bleed right at the beginning of me being pregnant then has a really slight bleed at 5-6 weeks. I have really light periods compared to alot of women so I am told. fingers crossed for you hun xxxxxxxxx
With my last baby I had a massive bleed at 17 weeks which gotlighter but continued for 4 weeks...everythin was fine xx
with my mc in may i bled heavily for 6 days and stopped on day 11, i had a few stringy clots, then passed the baby on like the 3rd day and continued to bleed. (was going through at leat 6 towels a day)

Fingers crossed all is ok for you xx tcg
hope your ok, can't believe you can't be scanned until tuesday!!!

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