5 Month Old not napping, grrr.


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2014
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Is there a development leap at this age? I thought we had survived the '4 month sleep regression' but NO! She's resisting naps big time and last night for the first time in a long time, she fought bedtime too. Nooooooo. :-(

I'm guessing this is developmental and I hope it is just another phase.

Any tips for survival? My OH just had to rock my daughter to sleep. This hasn't happened since she was 2 months old...
My baby doesn't sleep in the day. She'll have one or two half hour cat naps (today just the one and had to be in my arms!! She woke every time I put her down)... Thankfully she semi sleeps at night.

My house is a shit tip and I struggle to do even the most simple tasks some days. If someone had told me 9 months ago they couldn't find 15 minutes in their day to mop the floor I'd have called them a liar.

It sucks but maybe she just isn't a sleeper?

There is a leap at 26 weeks actually?

My little boy hasn't slept during the day for months now! Thankfuly he sleeps pretty well during the night so i can't complain really
my lo had no more then 30 minutes in the day but slept all night most of the time
Totally unrelated to your question I'm afraid but OMG Rooster I can't believe your baby is 5 months old already!! Time really does fly so fast!!! xxx
I'm a ftm so no answers, but my LO is the same. He was doing so well napping in the day in his cot upstairs, but now getting any sort of nap out of him is close to impossible.

However, he is sleeping better at night once he does go off, so perhpas he doesn't need as many naps
I'm wondering if there's a leap or something developmental around this time. My youngest is five months and is starting to fight naps more. He's definitely able to stay awake longer now and will not entertain napping at all unless he is really, really tired. He can go 2-3 hours between naps now depending on how long he slept before. He prefers his bed, at home I can get a good 1-2 hour nap out of him. Out in the pram he will not sleep longer than half an hour.

My eldest was a nightmare for naps until about this age. I feel quite spoilt this time around with my youngest!
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Oh no, sorry that this seems to be a common problem. I got completely spoilt by her and overall I really can't complain but I will anyway, simply because this isn't her normal self. She has 2 hour awake time usually but I might drag it out tomorrow and see if that helps. She has always catnapped but she self settled so I bore no grudge (my son the opposite never self settled, but had good 1-2hr naps). If it takes half an hour to get half an hour of sleep from her then it's different. I expect a longer sleep for all the effort I'm putting in! :lol:
Totally unrelated to your question I'm afraid but OMG Rooster I can't believe your baby is 5 months old already!! Time really does fly so fast!!! xxx

And I can't believe you're due next month!! I'm still so excited that you're having a baby at long last :-)
Totally unrelated to your question I'm afraid but OMG Rooster I can't believe your baby is 5 months old already!! Time really does fly so fast!!! xxx

And I can't believe you're due next month!! I'm still so excited that you're having a baby at long last :-)

I can't believe it either!! Feels like it's happening to someone else!! xx

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