5 Grams' for Amy


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2005
Reaction score
Its official she is the music worlds favourite smackhead :cheer:

i think she is an absolute disgrace & the music /celebrity world should never have accepted her by giving her a record contract/publicity etc, being a druggie.
yes she has problems that she needs to sort, clear off & sort them out first before you become a star & a 'role model' :roll: for the younger generation like my daughter who is nearly 12.

how can i explain to Georgia that she is a druggie but also is successful & loaded :x
i would never ever buy any of her stuff to support her drug habit.
shes an absolute mess.
Good on her, I always think musicians should recieve awards for their music not their private life, and her music is amazing. And she is so far doing well with her rehab, I really hope this spurs her on to continue the good work addressig her drug issues.
i wonder if you would both say that if you had older children who looked up to her & saw what she gets up to?
my children are at that age where they understand she is on drugs, so how can someone who is on drugs be portrayed to be successful?
this shows that yes you can be a smack head & a pop star :roll: sorry but she can kill herself on drugs behind closed doors but when shes running down the street in bleeding shoes with coke hanging out her nose, then she should not be in the public eye.

its a whole package when someone is in the media spotlight, lifestlye/looks/relationships etc, not just her music, she can't have it both ways.
Emma58 said:
Sorry :oops:

I just meant she is off her head

:rotfl: cool. I didn't know if you were agreeing with me or not :rotfl:
foxymum said:
i wonder if you would both say that if you had older children who looked up to her & saw what she gets up to?
my children are at that age where they understand she is on drugs, so how can someone who is on drugs be portrayed to be successful?
this shows that yes you can be a smack head & a pop star :roll: sorry but she can kill herself on drugs behind closed doors but when shes running down the street in bleeding shoes with coke hanging out her nose, then she should not be in the public eye.

its a whole package when someone is in the media spotlight, lifestlye/looks/relationships etc, not just her music, she can't have it both ways.

:clap: Well said. She is a whole package and a really bad role model for kids who admire her. I do think her music is good and she is an amazing singer but what pisses me off is exactly what you have said, the fact that she runs about the streets with her shoes covered in blood from injecting heroin and blatantly showing off white powder all over her nose. She needs to take responsibility for her image. She thinks she is cool. She's not, she's a junkie.
I hate her!!!!

Only purely for selfish reasons, mainly because she has got her visa for the states even tho she is a complete druggie with a criminal record.... and then there is me who has never touched the stuff never been in trouble with the law and have paid $8000 in lawyers fees and I am still nowhere near getting it....

TBH tho, I hate all celebs that get it really quick, but she has annoyed me more because of the drugs etc!
midna said:
foxymum said:
sorry but she can kill herself on drugs behind closed doors but when shes running down the street in bleeding shoes with coke hanging out her nose, then she should not be in the public eye.

its a whole package when someone is in the media spotlight, lifestlye/looks/relationships etc, not just her music, she can't have it both ways.

She writes and sings ..I dont suppose she ever wanted to become a role model ..your right she shouldnt be in public eye but thats out of her control... I dont suppose britney spears whats to be in media spotlight whilst she breaks down but hey poor girl has no choice. Just because she has this lifestyle dosnt mean my child is gonna take after her...there are so many other influential things in life ...if we have that attitude then mabey it was marylin mansons music that caused the shooting in columbine...sorry but its ridiculous to say she should live her life a certain way because younger people listen to her music ... i dont get that ...not startin an argument jus disagee :D

yes i agree with the fact she prob didn't want to become a role model, but the fact is that everyone on the public eye is a role model to children/teenagers & that can't be helped, you don't choose to not be a role model so you can instead be a druggie,
my problem isn't so much at her, its the music industry for allowing someone like this to continue making music & money.
without them she wouldn't be able to continue with any sort of career.
if i was on heroin or whatever shes on, i probably couldn't get a high paid job like that, .
she should be dropped by her record label until she can prove she is clean.
also i'm not saying that kids will take drugs coz she is, but its difficult to say to kids'look amy is a drug addict, but shes rich & successful but don't you take drugs, its wrong'

its hypocricy really, seeing her doing drugs one minute & then the next shes given awards & recognition in the media.
no i deffo am not starting a row either, this just really pisses me off!!
she should go & get clean & stay clean & then i can say to my kids 'look amy winehouse used to be on drugs, but look at her now'
woah foxymum.... you put your point across very well.... so well in fact I got it 4 times over!! :rotfl: :hug:
I've got that bloody Rehab song going round and around my head.

I said No, no, no :moon: Gahhhhh
SarahH said:
woah foxymum.... you put your point across very well.... so well in fact I got it 4 times over!! :rotfl: :hug:
bugger!!!!! how can i delete 3 of them?! when i was posting it was really slow & i thought something was wrong so i pressed 'post' lots :lol: didn't realise it had posted 4 times :roll:

how can i delete them? theres no delete button next to each post like i'm sure there used to be :think:
hehe!! I think you can go in and edit them to just a "." :think:

Dont worry I have done the same thing before
I deleted the extra posts for you :)

I think a lot of people are forgetting that music and drugs have gone hand in hand for many many years.

The Beatles openly sang about LSD (Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds) and most of their music had obvious drug taking references.

Band such as Poison were also very well known for their sex and drugs antics after shows, and actually stored speed and coke in scarves draped over the mic stands.

Almost all of influential music has been written/performed by regular drug users whether thats weed or heroin. Lou Reed was a well known heroin user and look how much of an influence his music had!

Im not saying its ok to publically advocate drug use, but just because someone uses drugs they should NOT be bopycotted, its stupid and if that was the case then we would never had have Elvis, The Beatles, The Doors, Pink Flloyd.....the list goes on and it doesnt matter whether you actually like those bands or not...its a fact that they have had a very significant impact and todays modern bands can all be traced back to one or more of them....

Drugs are at the source, the foundation, of ALL music, and thats just the way it is and IMO we have a richer and more diverse music culture for it.
I just think that it could be the start of a drugs culture that will effect all our kids not just now but long term. Look at all the kids now who are stabbing and shooting eachother. Nobody can say that isn't influenced by music. It so blatantly is.
Music echos society, it paints a picture of how it is.....only the very weak and easily influenced are actually changed by music, and they would be changed by anything anyway....peer pressure, taking on parents values....not by music!

Lou, ya know I luv ya, but are you serious about it "starting" a drugs culture? Where have you been? :rotfl:

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