5 Grams' for Amy

glitzyglamgirl said:
Music echos society, it paints a picture of how it is.....only the very weak and easily influenced are actually changed by music, and they would be changed by anything anyway....peer pressure, taking on parents values....not by music!

Lou, ya know I luv ya, but are you serious about it "starting" a drugs culture? Where have you been? :rotfl:

I totally disagree with you. Nirvana and grunge music changed my life. Seriously. Anyway, enough about me :roll: I gotta nip out...back in a bit!

p.s I love ya to :lol:
thanks GGG for deleting my many posts :oops:
yeh i agree that a lot of musicians do use drugs too, but for some reason Any Winehouses' drug problem is so well documented, we seem to hear about it every single day :bored:

anyway we've had a good debate about it eh girls! :hug:
foxymum said:
thanks GGG for deleting my many posts :oops:
yeh i agree that a lot of musicians do use drugs too, but for some reason Any Winehouses' drug problem is so well documented, we seem to hear about it every single day :bored:

anyway we've had a good debate about it eh girls! :hug:

Don't we always :wink:
The girl is more famous for her drug taking than her music, which is a sad state of affairs for any artist.

Besides that, I wish she'd have a bath and wash that dreadful barnet!! :puke:
jenni32 said:
The girl is more famous for her drug taking than her music, which is a sad state of affairs for any artist.

Besides that, I wish she'd have a bath and wash that dreadful barnet!! :puke:

:rotfl: yes grandma :rotfl:
Has she gone back to black hair yet? I think blonde looks gross on her :shock:

I just wish she would clean herself up. She's a fantastic singer, but will end up dead within the next ten years if she isn't careful. That would be a waste of genuine talent!
Well put GGG - I was just thinking the same BEFORE I read your post.

I think if her work is worthy of the award then she should have got it regardless of her private life.

I know many people who do things in their private life that they should be ashamed of. However this does not impact on their work career. The same should be the case for musicians etc.
I agree with GGG & was going to say this but you put it so much better.

As a teenager I adored Kurt Cobain but, if anything, he put me OFF drugs. There was the same argument when 'Trainspotting' came out - that is was glamourising smack & encouraging people to take it, but I think the majority of people watched it and went, 'no f*cking WAY'. I actually think someone who looks at Amy and wants to emulate her life probably has other problems going on at the same time and would find their way to drugs with or withour her influence.
Tadpole said:
I agree with GGG & was going to say this but you put it so much better.

As a teenager I adored Kurt Cobain but, if anything, he put me OFF drugs. There was the same argument when 'Trainspotting' came out - that is was glamourising smack & encouraging people to take it, but I think the majority of people watched it and went, 'no f*cking WAY'. I actually think someone who looks at Amy and wants to emulate her life probably has other problems going on at the same time and would find their way to drugs with or withour her influence.

Yeah I see what you're saying :)
What about Pete (babyshambles, forgotten his last name :oops: ) If he won the grammys would we still be having the same convo :think:

Personally I think Pete and Amy are more known for their drugs, drinking, breaking laws than there music
SarahH said:
What about Pete (babyshambles, forgotten his last name :oops: ) If he won the grammys would we still be having the same convo :think:

Personally I think Pete and Amy are more known for their drugs, drinking, breaking laws than there music

the difference between the two is talent IMO.Pete Docherty wouldn't be half the figure he is if it hadn't been for his relationshp with Kate Moss, not his music writing. So I really can't see him winning any grammys ever. He ismore known for his drug use, whereas Amy Winehouse is known for her music as well, it has only been recently that her drug use has been so well documented.

tadpole said:
As a teenager I adored Kurt Cobain but, if anything, he put me OFF drugs. There was the same argument when 'Trainspotting' came out - that is was glamourising smack & encouraging people to take it, but I think the majority of people watched it and went, 'no f*cking WAY'. I actually think someone who looks at Amy and wants to emulate her life probably has other problems going on at the same time and would find their way to drugs with or withour her influence

yep I agree. I was majorly into grunge and yet never wanted to kill myself or take drugs. Trainspotting was one of my fave films but again it made me realise what a shitlife drugs give you.
glitzyglamgirl said:
I deleted the extra posts for you :)

I think a lot of people are forgetting that music and drugs have gone hand in hand for many many years.

The Beatles openly sang about LSD (Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds) and most of their music had obvious drug taking references.

Band such as Poison were also very well known for their sex and drugs antics after shows, and actually stored speed and coke in scarves draped over the mic stands.

Almost all of influential music has been written/performed by regular drug users whether thats weed or heroin. Lou Reed was a well known heroin user and look how much of an influence his music had!

Im not saying its ok to publically advocate drug use, but just because someone uses drugs they should NOT be bopycotted, its stupid and if that was the case then we would never had have Elvis, The Beatles, The Doors, Pink Flloyd.....the list goes on and it doesnt matter whether you actually like those bands or not...its a fact that they have had a very significant impact and todays modern bands can all be traced back to one or more of them....

Drugs are at the source, the foundation, of ALL music, and thats just the way it is and IMO we have a richer and more diverse music culture for it.

yep thats how i see it.

influences on a child are far and wide, but its usually whats happening closer to home/peer pressure/mental illness or a million 'real' reasons why kids turn to drugs!

People are blaming society too much for the actions of their own children these days anyway. I was brought into a poor family (although i had no idea) suffered some appauling situations in my life, but had the basic grouding/respect taught to me at a young age! Thats where the difference lies!
altho i think she's a bit of a tit, i think she deserves the grammys. if someones a good musician, thats seperate from if theyre a baghead or not. as yall kno im a changed woman since i got pregnant and had my daughter, but before that i was on drugs and u kno what they complement music really very well actually!

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