5-6 weeks symptoms


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2012
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I read that you don't start getting hot flushes until later in pregnancy, but today I've had about four. Right now I want to rip my clothes off and stand in a cold shower, followed by lying underneath the ceiling fan!!!

Also have crazy acid reflux, tugging sensation in my uterus, feel sick after eating and I'm really tired!

What symptoms did you get / have you got at 5-6 weeks? ;)
I'm feeling way hotter than normal and at times it's uncomfortable and that's not the weather! NI ain't getting the UK heatwave haha. I remember from last pregnancy that I got super sweaty flushes and I've been getting them off and on already. And super sweaty pits eww :lol: x
I am so uncomfortable in this heat & really feel for the ladies in Tri-3 giving birth in this!!

My heartburn has returned and really early than last time. I hate it. I'm not getting hot flashes or sickness yet. But I just feel really wet down below. I've had to put a pad and on. Xx
I missed out on really early heartburn. I usually get it before my period is even due but I was taking omeprazole so I didn't get it. Now I've stopped it I get heartburn loads :/

I haven't had the wetness but I am a bit smelly down there :/ no other symptoms that may indicate an infection though :( wonder if that's a symptom?
My emotional state has started haha. Even crying at a lovely woman on Jeremy Kyle that got cheated on. And all she wanted was her mum. Well that started me off hahahaa.

I think it's the wetness that makes it a bit smelly. But I have to get to the bathroom because I think it's a period :/ xx
It's like as soon as I hit 6 weeks boom my nausea increased haha anyone else the same xx
I was like that at 6+3. One day I was fine, worrying that I had no symptoms. Next day I felt horrifically sick all day everyday for two months!
I'm 6+3 and the last two days have been really tough. I feel sick if I'm hungry then I start to eata little and get really hungry so eat too much and feel bloated and sick again!!!! Going to have to learn to cope fast, another 2 months of this and I'll be out of my mind lol! How am I going to keep this secret at work when all I want to do is eat or be sick???? Serious question, suggestions please??
Kew, you could say that you're taking a medication that makes you feel ill?
If it gets really bad you could take some time off sick?
You could get an early scan to confirm that everything is okay, and once you know that you could start telling people?
I hope you work something out! :)
Last time my morning sickness started at exactly 6 weeks an threw up virtually every morning until I was 24 weeks... I have a good feeling I will be the same this time too so possibly have up to a week before the sickness starts again :(

We shall see I guess but am kinda wanting the sickness to at least reassure me that I am pregnant!
I'm 7+2 and my gosh the sickness has kicked in. I can't keep water down :( I could cry!!! Xx
Me and my partner have been trying to conceive for just over a year. This month I've just realised im 10 days late for my period. For the past year since stop taking the pill my periods have been consistent.
2 weeks ago my breasts started to hurt and had belly cramps, just thought I was coming onTo my period, For the past 4 days I've felt very tired and very sick.
I've done a pregnancy test every morning since Saturday and they've all came back negative.
This is my first time (hopefully) being pregnant. My body feels like it's going through so many changes my emotions are flying around all over the place but were finding it heartbreaking keep seeing a negative result.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thankyou 😘

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