5:30am wakening


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2007
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theo goes to bed at 7am everynight and has done from 8weeks old. we was waking up at 11pm, then it slowly has moved on and on and now he sleeps most nights for 6 1/2 hrs! waking up at 2am.
i though that this would slowly mean him sleeping through but for the past 2weeks he wakes up at 5:30am on the dot everymorning, i hear him stiring and leave him to settle himself (which he always does throughout the night) but he just wont do it at 5:30am without a feed... i always give him a big feed at 2am to keep him going so surely he's not waking up becuase he is hungry??? :doh:

any suggestions?
He could well be hungry, hes still a young one!

Corey used to wake about 5 for food, it was always harder to settle him as well because it was light when he would wake!!! Argh, then he'd think it was morning and time to get up, where I wanted a few more hours kip! He did feed and go back down. Now he dont wake til 8ish... though it used to be 9ish, till the clocks changed :doh:

If he feeds and goes back down, he must (/could) be hungry... :think:
He is only ickle so he could be wakening for food.
I know my little madam will either wake me around 2/3am but generally will go back to sleep if i leave her but will most definately wake up 5/6am for a little feed and bum change. If she sleeps longer than that i count myself lucky. She goes down to bed between 7/8pm.
I agree with the others, he is a littlie so probably is hungry. I think it is about 3 months+ when babs can make it through the night with no feeding if BF. :hug:
I would give him a feed but keep it as a night feed (low lights etc etc) and put him back down.
Ryan always went to bed at 7pm and woke at 530/6, and sometimes even if I gave him a huge bottle he'd still be hyper and it was obviously just his waky time. Word of advice though? If yours is anything like Ryan, trying to keep him up later in the evening doesn't work..!!! Just in case you were thinking of it, we tried Ryan in bed for 8/830pm but he was still up at 530/6.. :wall:
leckershell said:
Ryan always went to bed at 7pm and woke at 530/6, and sometimes even if I gave him a huge bottle he'd still be hyper and it was obviously just his waky time. Word of advice though? If yours is anything like Ryan, trying to keep him up later in the evening doesn't work..!!! Just in case you were thinking of it, we tried Ryan in bed for 8/830pm but he was still up at 530/6.. :wall:

Izzies the same! Because she was born in April, it wasnt too bad getting up at 5.30/6am through the summer. Waking up to nice sunny mornings was actually lovely. Its now crap and dark and foggy and wet and i hate it, but thats what time my baby likes to get up, so ive had to accept it :roll: :lol:

We tried putting her to bed later and it doesnt make any difference! Bethany was a great sleeper, so this is still a bit of a ahock to the system for me, lol.

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