4th C Section anyone?

There is no maximum number.

Some doctors may try to advise against more than 3, but there is no set rule hun x It's all to do with the individual, how well previous c sec went, if theres a senior surgeon etc.
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My cousin had 4! She was told absolutely no more tho! Like froslass said, it all depends on the woman herself and how everythings holding up!xx
Hello Tammy!! It's me JJ - yes Froslass is really very correct , I have had 4 C-sections, all elective as the hosp decided that due to a plumbing op I had had at the age of 20 , that it would not survive the birth naturally, which was a real shame. So I had c-section 1 in 1999, then 23 mths later in 2001 C-section 2, then just 13 mths later in 2001 C-section 3. Then 9 years later in 2011 c-section 4.

I would say the first was a bit hard, but then you don't know the pain etc , but recovered quickly and back to ice hockey within 3 weeks! (don't know how I did that at the time!). Second was pretty much the same, pregnancy and recovery all quick and felt better than the first one , I think as nerve damage had already been done the first time, and tum was all numb still.

Third was an issue in the end. I had lots of pain early in the last trimester (like a burning and warm pain, not terrible but always there), where and slightly higher than the scar inside me I guessed where my other layer scars were. I was consultant led care and so told them at my next appointment, they didn't seem worried. I had a late scan due to being small for dates and they said as far as they could tell all was fine, and not to worry. I kept mentioning it, they kept pressing my tum!? like that would tell them anything, and in hindsight I should really have pushed the point - but that's not me! (next time I would). So on the day of Section - The surgeon had made the first incision, and then she said "Oh , we have a window on the womb!" So one of the layers inside had ruptured causing the pain, so that could have ended very differently.. It has to be said, they do recomend you wait at least a year after a section and idealy 2 before having another pregnancy, so to be fair, I was preg when my second was 5 mths I think, and we had been ttc for three mths before then! Moral of this one was know your body and push the point if you have pain any different from your other sections. They did advise sterilisation and said that 3 was really advised as the max, I didn't get sterilised, I wasn't sure, but I had finished my family.

My fourth Section , after getting older and having all the urges, couldn't believe my childbearing years were nearly over! (5th pregnancyas I had a missed Miscaridge at 12 weeks in march 2010, then fell preg again), - like yours was after a big gap, the first thing the consultant asked me was "when was your last , do I have to worry about rupture?", and when I said (9 year age gap), they were totally fine. Your age gap is 12 years so even better. I took up swimming at 20 weeks ish last time, (can only do breast stroke) but was still swimming 30 lengths at 38 weeks preg, so kept in shape. I then had a small placental abruption 3 days before my section date , and stayed in hosp for a couple of days, back home the night before , and back to hosp the next day (bleeding had stopped). But that could happen to anyone.

This time I did loose over a litre of blood, which they said before was more likely, he did have trouble after stitching my uterus up, it kept bleeding, and so he put a little patching gause (theres a posher name!) but thats how it was explained to me, and that apparently did the trick. To stop the extra bleeding they tipped the op table downwards so my head was lower than my body, which made me throw up, infact I threw up constantly after baby was out and for the rest of the day, (the other 3 sections, I only threw up before baby once , caused by the spinal lowering my BP and then once I had stopped, they carried on). Hubby held baby the whole time, as I had antisickness stuff, (made my nose itch badly!), Back on the ward, I was up and about the same day as normal, but then the shoulder tip pain kicked in, (apparently caused by blood in the diaphram, caused by the extra bleeding and lower op table), This is not real pain, but tricks the shoulders into pain, and I cried on day 3 I think and didn't want vistors , as I couldn't cope and didn't know which end was worse. Normaly I could rely on my top end being good! I did have the Sterilisation, as hubby was addament that was it, and I was pleased to be through it all safely, it only took 5 mins, (and apparently wouldn't have caused any of the above). Recovery was slower and this time, the stiches and perhaps the gause patch inside had made the left leg/groin bit tighter, like my long strides had to be shortened for a bit, or it hindered recovery, but after 6 mths that was better. I did have to have a few days at about 3 weeks after where I just rested , as recovery was going backwards, but then I had 4 kids, and I was 37, as much as I denied it should make a diff, I didn't feel old, I guess in hindsight it did a bit.

I am now 39, and yes, stupidly probably - I am still ttc via IVF as I totally regret having been sterilsed, cant believe how sad it made me, and how big an age gap it is. I really want my son to have a growing up buddy, my others may not even still be at home, there never in now! I wanted 5 before, and the snip did not remove those feelings as planned, my hubby went and gave in far too easily for the grief I had before hand about not having 5!! So here we are , on the verge of financial ruin to have one last C-section! ha It might never happen, and it could be a slower recovery, but I'm prepared to do it one more time, not more.

I was going to have tubal reversal, but the private consultant had advised it would have poor results and it was opening up every layer like section rather than keyhole, so that would have meant potentialy 6 Cection style ops - I felt one too many for my poor tum, I do need my body left for me after , hence the tricky path of IVF. I have a failed cycle in July , and hope to be 4 weeks preg in 3 weeks time, and join you in trimester 1!

The technologies and advice has moved on slightly from 2002 and 3 is not the max now, I would say keep an eye on any pains your not familier with, and look after yourself, keep your iron levels up and checked esp in last tri, as I had issues and they needed to get it up before the op, and was only just sorted in time. I think as long as your healthy and active and sensible you will be fine, and just prepare yourself that your tum might be more painful like the first section again , as mine was after such a gap the nerves had really fixed themself! slower pace after yes probably, but don't worry, as you know it's well worth it. I don't know how term you were with your others, I was 38weeks, 37 +5, 39+0 and then last time, they now only do them 39 weeks plus at my hosp, due to wet lungs risk before then (I did have two babies go to scbu for this anyway , so totally understood), so be warned they might leave you later nowadays.

Congrats on your pregnancy - good luck to you, think you will be just fine X (sorry for going on.., but PM me anytime)
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Wow JJ Mum! thankyou so much! It is just fantastic to read a proper account from someone who has had 4!

I understand there could be complications and I am ready for it, as long as me and bubs make it out the other side then I'm a happy woman.

I re-read your story 4 times to make sure I never missed anything and I really do wish you all the best in both luck and health for your possible number 5.

Thankyou again, so so much, it means a lot to me xx :)
Victoria Beckham had 4 c-sections and she is fine. I think because you have such a long gap between, you should be ok.

I had a successful vbac after my 2nd c-section and it was fine because there was a 5 year gap between the section and the vbac.
Victoria Beckham had 4 c-sections and she is fine. I think because you have such a long gap between, you should be ok.

I had a successful vbac after my 2nd c-section and it was fine because there was a 5 year gap between the section and the vbac.

Hey Hun, did i read that right? Did you have 2 c sections, and then a v bac with your third baby? x
Hello,im a newbie...well i read forum for a fair while, this is first time ive joined and posted :lol:
im hoping that your midwives/consultants have told you about the increased risks with the more caesareans, such as more chance of scar rupturing on your uterus, scar tissue adhesions (skin sticking to other organs, like the bladder) and more chances of bigger blood loss, and no, scar tissue can not just be cut out internally, yes it can on the skin layer.
caesarean sections are major surgery. dont want to scare monger anyone but the procedure holds more risks and becomes slightly more complicated to perform the more you have.
which is why people often do stop at 3.. obviously more arent impossible, but risk go up...rather than just saying if victoria beckham can..
Hello,im a newbie...well i read forum for a fair while, this is first time ive joined and posted :lol:
im hoping that your midwives/consultants have told you about the increased risks with the more caesareans, such as more chance of scar rupturing on your uterus, scar tissue adhesions (skin sticking to other organs, like the bladder) and more chances of bigger blood loss, and no, scar tissue can not just be cut out internally, yes it can on the skin layer.
caesarean sections are major surgery. dont want to scare monger anyone but the procedure holds more risks and becomes slightly more complicated to perform the more you have.
which is why people often do stop at 3.. obviously more arent impossible, but risk go up...rather than just saying if victoria beckham can..

I completely understand what you mean and I know 4 holds more risks. I am still waiting to have a proper conversation with my midwife and hopefully a consultant as well.

I like to think that as it has been 12 years since my last c section then my body will have healed enough to cope with a 4th, which will definitely be my last! lol

I'm sure if Victoria Beckham had her c sections on the NHS like us normal humans then she would have also been concerned about having 4 lol :)
Hi, not jumping in but my doula had 3 csections, then had a vaginal birth the 4th time in hospital. She researched her options thoroughly, and it came to be that a vba3c was safer than a fourth csections, I don't know, this is what she told our group.

Have you contacted iCan? I think they are very knowledgeable about csections etc.
Just to update here, I have now had a reversal of sterilisation op, had it 9 days ago and it was just like a c-section except, I think I was spared about an inch of scar reopening , each side of wound and they didn't cut the uterus, which for me is great, wanting to get preg quickly as i'm now 39. All went well, I am very swollen, had op on monday, came home wed, and fri and sat , I was alot of pain, but had gone very purple and yellow then so think it was just very sore becasue of that, recovery seems the same, but did find it harder last week, guess due to age or number of sections.. Have managed nookie on day I came home and on friday, and that finished me off.... I thought it would be easier as no baby to look after, but it's amazing how much sitting down you do when feeding a newborn all day, when you dont have one and have just a todler, you don't sit down much.. lesson learnt...

I have still got pain when peeing, which is unusual for me at 9 days post op, so either have pee infection or they were especially rough when putting in catherter... I will keep an eye on it and hope it improves, it's still swollen down there, and it imroves with ibruprofen, but stopped having that as ttc and in 2ww now.. (long shot but just incase). so maybee swollen wee tubes too..
So looking forward to getting preg and having one last c-section
Just to update here, I have now had a reversal of sterilisation op, had it 9 days ago and it was just like a c-section except, I think I was spared about an inch of scar reopening , each side of wound and they didn't cut the uterus, which for me is great, wanting to get preg quickly as i'm now 39. All went well, I am very swollen, had op on monday, came home wed, and fri and sat , I was alot of pain, but had gone very purple and yellow then so think it was just very sore becasue of that, recovery seems the same, but did find it harder last week, guess due to age or number of sections.. Have managed nookie on day I came home and on friday, and that finished me off.... I thought it would be easier as no baby to look after, but it's amazing how much sitting down you do when feeding a newborn all day, when you dont have one and have just a todler, you don't sit down much.. lesson learnt...

I have still got pain when peeing, which is unusual for me at 9 days post op, so either have pee infection or they were especially rough when putting in catherter... I will keep an eye on it and hope it improves, it's still swollen down there, and it imroves with ibruprofen, but stopped having that as ttc and in 2ww now.. (long shot but just incase). so maybee swollen wee tubes too..
So looking forward to getting preg and having one last c-section

Ahhh nice to know your op went well, I can't believe you bonked so fast afterwards! you minx! lol :D

Not c section related but one of my friends paid to have a sterilisation reversal about 8 years ago, she got pregnant 1 month after and when she went to the 12 month check up took her new baby with her! I hope that happens for you xx

Good luck for your 2 ww and will be keeping my eye open in the bfp section for your name!.

Your positivity really is amazing tbh and you are not phased at all by a reversal even though the outcome will be a 5th section! I think women will look back on your story on this forum for many years to come :D xxx
ahhh thanks Tambo, that's really lovely of you

Can't believe your 15 weeks already, seemed like just the other day... Spoke to soon, wound bleeding this evening, soaked right throu my trousers before I notticed!! thought I had splashed washing up water on front of trousers for a bit! Ooops, looks like they could have done with putting an extra stitch in that bit... Had one spare dressing pad, so back on for those and will keep eye on it.... Steristrips would be a good idea to self help, but they didn't shave me down there this time, very odd...

Yes I hope for a speedy bfp too, slim chances this month as only dtd twice too early really before ov as cycle changed, but hopefully soon as i'm not getting any younger.. How lovely for your friend to be able to take her baby to 12 mths review. I just have a 6 week telephone consult as doc 3 hrs away from home, so it's a bit of a paperwork exersize, but it would be lovely to fall preg first time and tell him then.... (And unless a mc, then this would def be the last time!!).

Good luck for your 20 week scan, I will watch out for your progress and piccys
ahhh thanks Tambo, that's really lovely of you

Can't believe your 15 weeks already, seemed like just the other day... Spoke to soon, wound bleeding this evening, soaked right throu my trousers before I notticed!! thought I had splashed washing up water on front of trousers for a bit! Ooops, looks like they could have done with putting an extra stitch in that bit... Had one spare dressing pad, so back on for those and will keep eye on it.... Steristrips would be a good idea to self help, but they didn't shave me down there this time, very odd...

Yes I hope for a speedy bfp too, slim chances this month as only dtd twice too early really before ov as cycle changed, but hopefully soon as i'm not getting any younger.. How lovely for your friend to be able to take her baby to 12 mths review. I just have a 6 week telephone consult as doc 3 hrs away from home, so it's a bit of a paperwork exersize, but it would be lovely to fall preg first time and tell him then.... (And unless a mc, then this would def be the last time!!).

Good luck for your 20 week scan, I will watch out for your progress and piccys

Im having a private gender scan on the 15ht December so will be posting blue or pink I'm sure :D

Thats awful about your wound bleeding, hope its ok, you must be overdoing it! slow down woman and put them feet up! Hope you heal up fast so we can see a nice bfp very soon :D xxx
Congrats JJ Mum I see your pregnant :)

I'm pregnant with my 4th which will be a section too...

my first was nov 06, October 08 & march 11 and this one will be march 14....

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