4mnths 3weeks...slipped into a weird routine...is it 'normal'???


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2011
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Hi all....

Just wondering uf anyone elses LO is doing anythin resembling this?
Could it b teething? growth spurt??

sleep for 11- 12hrs....
awake 1hr 30mins
sleep for 45mins
awake for 1hr 30mins
sleep for 45...

n so on n so on throughout the day.

Austin used t go 2hrs or a little more inbetween naps n then sleep for 1-2hrs?!?
On the first day he slept through...it was a day I had let him nap willy nilly (as above...without pusuing a longer nap wen he wakes up) n so since then uve sort of followed his lead incase it was that??

anyone elses LO have a similar routine??

yeah...hannah is only awake about 1hr30 mins then she will nap for about 30-40 mins...been like this for a while

she has slept loads today though, at one point she was only up for 30 mins..

i am blaming 20 week growth spurt coming a bit early...but her appetite been a bit lower than i would have expected so i am blaming teething for that...

they have so much to contend with bless them x
aww thatsgood to hear...hes not weird...lol.

I just feel like hes always cranky for a nap n 45doesnt seem like long enuf t get much done x
K did that for about a week until this past weekend. She was only staying awake for an hour to an hour and a half instead of 1h45 or 2 hours. They must go through something at that age!
Lily has always been like this.. Nothing to worry about babe :D x
thats about the same as us too
H is a strange child, he really just likes being awake!! He goes nearly 3 hours before he even gets tired but then will sleep for a couple of hours!! We only have 2 naps a day now!
awww pheewwwwy!!! just got worried cus my friend said shee never heard of a baby sleeping that much. her lo who is 3mntha can stay awake from afternoon nap till bedtime at 7!!!! Thought austin had narcolepsy...ha xx
Yep my lo is the same used un sleep longer etc but since just before 4 months she's awake between 1-2 hours then has a 30ish mins sleep and so on throughout the day. If all our babies are doing id say its normal lol x x
My mum was always worried about lily so I kept asking the hvs an they just said to think myself lucky lol!! Which I do!!x

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