4D scans - are they any good?


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2010
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I'm thinking of asking for a 4D scan for my birthday :D

Just wondering if any of you lovely ladies have had one, if you think they are worth it and when you had it done?

My birthday isn't until 17th October and i will be 22 weeks then, was thinkin of booking it for end of November time when i will be 27-28 weeks.

Thanks ladies xx
Havent had one yet but I have one booked for when Im 28 weeks... they look amazing tho!
yeah - i dont wanna wait too long so Pip is so big we cant get a clear view, but then dont want it too soon after 22 week scan cos i dont want to have nothing to look forward to!
I know how you feel! You having your baby in Gillingham hospital? Thats where Im having mine... wishing they did 20 week scans and not 22.. Im dying for my scan to come around!
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Yeah at Medway. Just noticed ur from Kent! Where abouts in Kent are u? The only reason I'm glad it's a 22 week scan is so I can find out the sex on my birthday! Apart from that, I want it at 20 weeks!

When is urs booked in for? Is this ur first? x
I'm in Sittingbourne. Yep this is our first.. we have our 22 week on Monday morning! We are team yellow though... have to make sure to keep telling the sonographer that on Monday haha!
We had one last week but baby was either shy or being naughty and covered it's face up! The place we went are brilliant though and said we can go back as many times as needed. They are much better than nhs as your paying so they take time to tell you lots of things, we found it really interesting and can't wait to go back in a couple of weeks when hopefully we can get to see it's face!
4d scans are amazing. I would have gone back everyday for the rest of my pregnancy if I could have done. It's so lovely to be able to see your baby's face so clearly, providing that baby behaves!
I can't recommend them highly enough- well worth the money.
We are hopefully gonna book in for a 4d scan later on in my pregnancy. My sister had one done in her pregnancy and i was so amazed at the little dvd and pics u get... Another thing is when baby arrived she looked exactly the same as on the 4d scan.... Its just purely amazing. xx
Ok I'm sold! Lol! I want (of course!!) the top package babybond offer which is £200, but split between a few family members it's not expensive for 1 person to fork out. Best birthday present I can think of - it's gonna shock them when they ask me and I know what I want!!
I would definately recommend! Matthews umbilical cord kept getting in the way of his face but we still got some gorgeous pics! Also in the video you can properly see him kicking me! I loved every minute and would have had more if I had the opportunity!

i never had one with either off my boys, but this time we had one originallyat 28 weeks but she was naughty so we went back at 29 weeks. there amazing i dont know why i never had one before :) x
They are brilliant, i would definetly recommend one, i had one at 16 weeks then one at 26 weeks and they were both brilliant. The 26 week one was so clear, she kept hiding her face but the sonographer was brilliant x x

I wasnt able to have one for Jaycee as they were new out and about £400 minimum lol.. but i got one with ellie and it was fantastic.. such a bonding experience :) so ive booked one for this little one at 30 weeks as i have a scan at 28 weeks and wanted to spread it out.. I highly recommend them!
I had a 4d scan done with my daughter and found it amazing! got some great pictures and a dvd of her. I found worth every penny!
I had one, but naughty baby problems aside, it wasn't very clear (my sonographer was also fairly rubbish and hurried us out as it was the 3rd attempt). I did loads of research as to why they weren't clear and found that probable causes are: cos i'm chubby - makes is hard to see (none of my scans have been massively clear like other peoples) as sound waves have more layers of blub to go through and because i have an anterior placenta (because its at the front, it limits the views cos its totally in the way)
I am going for one defo!! Up North the Babyshow is doing an offer at the Manchester show for £99 instead of £140 so it may be worth going on the babyshow site for the south and seeing if any are doing it near you!! look for a good one though as i believe some place are just people who have bought the equipment and are cowboys. good ones have proper sonographers working there :) Good Luck and Enjoy!

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