4 month spurt - physical, mental - help!


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2008
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I'm still breastfeeding Sprog, although I give him a bottle of formula on a night now too, which began to help make him settle on a night a bit more. Now it's not!

Over the past two or three nights, Sprog's been getting slowly worse at the whole sleep thing. He's usually up twice in a night, once for a 5 minute feed and once for a feed of about 20 minutes - which is usually the max he ever does in a night. Now it's gradually increased to every two hours throughout the night, but he's not crying - just shouting for attention. Loudly. If I leave him me, it does eventually turn to a cry. He feeds for between 2-10 minutes, and falls asleep again on the boob. I can't decide if this is a growth spurt, going for extra milk even if it is only a few sips, or if he's being more clingy. I'm having the day in bed with him to try to give him extra feeds (and because I feel really crap anyway) but is there anything I can do to help him settle more at night?

Yesterday, at my mum's, he was sitting on her knee, stretching his legs forwards and pushing himself with his legs and back so he was sliding (with her support!) off her knees and to the floor, then trying to push with his legs to a standing position. She 'walked' him for a few steps like this, which he was doing, and then stopped so that he didn't overtire his legs. He screamed until she did it again. And again. Etc. In the end, I fed him to distract him, as I was worrying he'd do himself some damage - surely he can't be physically strong enough?

This last week he's been really whiney and frustrated about everything. He either wants to feed or to be doing something - if he's not actively involved (and I mean using his body, like the whole walking thing) - he ends up shouting, which again turns to cries. It's like he's frustrated at his body's limitations, wants to do more but just can't. Any ideas for things I can do that will help him with this, but not over-strain him?

I'm starting to feel really down and frustrated myself. I've had no previous experience of babies, no friends of mine have them, and I have no idea what's normal, what's not, and how to help him with these new milestones in his life. It's like he's looking at me for help and advice, and I'm failing him because I don't know what his body can do either!

Thanks :)
I didn't know that walking was bad for them :think:

Our little babies are certainly growing up - and needing a lot of attention! Does he like to chew on things? DD loves to put everything in her mouth so we have cuddly toys for her to chew on and drool all over. She loves to be bounced so we sing lots of action songs and dance too. She likes her jumperoo, eating toys in her bouncy chair and chewing the toys on her playgym (I extended the dangly toys so she can get them in her mouth). We can get a maximum of 30 mins attention on any of these things.
I know exactly what your going through. Kaira's been like this for a while now and I truly believe that she's at that age where she knows what she want to do but just isn't physically able to. Just been to the doc's for her last lot of jabs :cheer: and all the other little babies were sitting quietly in the waiting room - not Kaira she was squelling trying to crawl up me, stand up and then started trying to squirm of my knee as if she was going to try and run away :wall: everybody commented on what and active child she is - don't I bloody know it!!!!!

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