4 month sleep regression, is there light at the end of the tunnel.


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2013
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A couple of weeks ago we had a baby that could go through the night and we had always considered ourselves to have a good baby that slept well.

Right now, i reel like im going through hell on earth..my baby us sleeping in 2 hour cycles and taking an hour to settle each time (if im lucky) giving me an hour to get back to sleep, each time i find myself drifting off im woken again. I have a loving and supportive oh and family...yet i feel so alone!

Please please tell me that it will pass and will get better?
The 4m regression is hell. Sorry
But it does pass. Just rude iy oit. I believe it's the first step towards developing adult sleeping patterns x
It best get better! Jake took over 4 hours to get to sleep last night. 7pm we came up stairs he finally went to sleep at 11.20! Even then it was in our bed as if we tried to move him he'd wake up screaming! :(
We didn't really hit the sleep regressions, but my son started getting his teeth through at 5 months and it was two weeks of hell. I think I saw every hour of the night! It does pass. Every thing passes.
It does pass!! We were exactly the same, lo slept pretty well from the start but all that changed at 4 months. She would only sleep roughly 2 hour cycles and was so hard to settle I'd be up for going on for 2 hours some nights. I tried all sorts of different things but nothing seemed to work consistently. I Was really worried we'd made a rod for our backs by feeding her to sleep and used to spend my nights googling sleep techniques but in the end she just started to gradually improve on her own just before the 6 month mark. At the moment she generally wakes twice and can sleep for 5-6 hours solidly. She's also easy to settle again (for now anyway!). There's no real pattern to her sleep but I don't dread nighttimes so much anymore. It's really tough but hold in there and nap in the day and accept help if you can to ride it out. Good luck and hope it improves soon xx
Hate to break the bad news but my son was hell from 4 months - right through till the 11 month mark- there's the 8 month regression aswell..... Yep.... There's more than one of those beasts :(
I've never experienced sleep regressions with either of my boys and am sceptical about it tbh. I think every baby is different and unpredictable when it comes to sleep. Teething perhaps? I really hope it improves soon, feel for you xx
We had it at 4.5 months and it went about 6 months! This was the same as a friend! Stick it out and it should be over soon x
Also my LO now sleeps longer than before the sleep regression! So I think that's our reward
Having never heard of sleep regression before, I started reading up on it and there are a few theories. They say the baby's brain does so much developing during the night for certain 'leaps' which causes their sleep to be disturbed, they basically can't switch off. Whilst they're making mental leaps, they're making physical ones too. All the modern advice suggests that cuddling and comforting them is the best thing you can do as their world is continuously changing and we are the only constant in their lives.

Like ppl have said though, every baby is different and you have to learn what works for your baby and you. Plus you cant give your baby your best if you're completely knackered. So the only thing I can think.of to suggest is to try.and find some time in the evenings with a family member to baby baby sit while you get some sleep , just waking you for feeds. Thats how me and my husband do the evenings then I can cope on my own if baby has a rough night.

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