4 days late and a bfn


Dec 16, 2008
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Hiya i'm new to the forum, been lurking for a few days whilst waiting for my af to arrive.

My AF is 4 days late now and whilst i feel crampy theres still no sign of it, my boobs hurt, my lower back hurts, i've felt nauseous on and off for a while now and I can't get rid of the taste in my mouth like i've been sucking on a coin. I feel tired constantly and have even dropped of a few times whilst having a sit down when my sons having his nap. I need a wee every five minutes even when i've not had much to drink and my mood swings have been terrible and I find myself crying or snapping over the smallest things. I've been quite bloated too and a couple of my work colleagues have even asked if im pregnant.

But last night when I decided I could wait no longer and took a test it was a bfn.

The funny thing is with my last two pregnancys I KNEW even before taking the test I was pregnant but this time even with all the above I just dont FEEL pregnant. I'm so confused I dont know whats going on with me at the moment.

Congratulations everybody who got bfp this month and goodluck and lots of babydust for everyone else in January :D xx
Well all your signs are textbook. I must admit with both my pregnancies I didn't 'feel' pregnant at all. The first time because I didn't know what it felt like and the second time I hardly had any symptoms. A lot of women have no early signs at all until they hit 5/6wks...

The BFN could just be that your HCG is too low to detect. Have you tried a more sensitive test? It might be that you ovulated later than you thought and aren't as far along a you thought, or maybe the embryo is taking its sweet time making enough HCG to show up. You could well be pregnant!

Or it could just be your mind messing with you but as you've had so many symptoms it does seem unlikely.

I have nothing constructive to say really except I hope you get the answer you are looking for!!!


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