At my app today everything was fine, headaches wasn't any signs of pre eclyampsia as bp was slightly low, urine tested clear and baby's heart rate was fine! She's moved from back to back position and is 90% back to where she should be! Midwife said she isn't a very big baby as still had lots of room for her to move around in even though I have Noticed she has slowed up! I'm measuring a cm under which I have been each week since about 34 weeks so she said nothing to worry about! Whilst in there she said oh two ladies were supposed to see me for there 38 week check up app today and both have gone into labour-yeah cheers just what I wanted to hear! THEN she says oh I'm going on holiday for a few weeks so won't b seeing you, sweep at 40w4d will b done by Gail, who is Gail!?! Then she said but it might not be Gail it might be (says a name) or .. Well someone! Great! Who is gonna b up there doing a sweep lol?? And if I give birth who is gonna b visiting me!? Good job I hadn't had my hopes set on a home birth with her cause god knows who I'd b getting! Can't Blame her though she's intitled to holiday and when ever she takes it someone is gonna b upset lol she ain't been no good to me through pregnancy so why now aye!! Just worried about sweep being a randomer but then again a randomer will be delivering baby Grace so...!
Neway rant over!
Neway rant over!