38 weeks!!!

lea m

Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2008
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:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Just want to post and be happy and cheery for a change lol! Only 14 more days till she is due and maybe 21 till she is born lol! (yes Im aiming for 41 weeks)
MW came for a home visit today as the surgery is closed at the docs! Everything is fine! I measure 37 weeks now so back normal!! :cheer: Babys HB was good, my wee was fine, BP fine! Everything fine! :D :dance:

I have been nesting today lol cleaning everything and feel good for it! Though in a bit of pain lol

Also I just too the car seat out to try and fit it!? :doh: Seriously why didnt I do this weeks ago! It fits in fine but i cant to the belt! Its fiddly! lol Im going to go try again and make sure I get it but we're going to go buy the base to keep in the car this weekend! That would be best I think lol! :lol:
Oooooh congrats hun! How exciting, you'll be meeting your LO soon.
So glad all your checks are fine today. I hope you can get your cat seat sorted out soon.
:cheer: Yay for 38 weeks, and everything being as it should be - thats brilliant news :hug:
Thanks ladies!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
I cant believe what a cheery mood Im in today compared to the last week of total b*tch haha
I think its because the sun is out here!! :cheer: :cheer:
wooohoooo :dance:

I tried my carseat yesterday and it too is a bitch to fit, it does fit but how bloody hard is it to reach over, i had to go round and do it from the other side in the end :wall:
I may have to try one of the others to see if it is any easier :think:
:shock: :shock: :shock: oh my god its so scary how fast these last weeks are going every time you make a post i panic as i know if you go on time im not far behind you :shock: xxxxxxxxx
Congrats on 38 weeks hun seriously not long now.

There must be something in the air for fitting car seats midwife suggested fitting the car seat at 36 weeks as bubs could come anytime so i was going to do that this weekend to :D
yey for 38 weeks!!!!! I remember when you left tri 2.... :shock:

time going too fast! :D
Gosh hasnt that gone quick :shock:

Not long now hun.


BABY TIME TO MEET MUM SOON, DONT KEEP HER W8ING TO MUCH LONGER*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Awww thanks everyone!!! :hug: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: I thought it would drag so much but its ok! Woo hoo
Hennaly that's my problem!? Had to go through the other side to do it?! Its so big though! Seems twice the size of the ones i had for these 3?! :think:
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: yay Lea :cheer: Not much longer to go now.. how exciting ! :hug:
Congratulations! Not long to go - I am starting to go slowly stir crazy waiting - but not long for either of us!
Gosh that seems to have gone so quick - hope the next 2 weeks fly by too :hug:

Jane x
Thankyou all! :hug: I hope the next two weeks fly by at the minute too lol! Shes really hurting me when she moves! :(

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