38 week MW appointment today


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2010
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Well had my 38 week MW appointment today, all went well, told her little man hadn't been moving much today, so she just said to keep an eye on him, and if he's still being lazy, to ring the hospital and ask them to put me on a monitor for a bit, other than that, all good :)
He's still only 4/5 engaged, but apparantly that's normal for a second baby, said I won't see her again now until I'm 41 weeks where she'll do a sweep, so hoping that appointment never happens :)
Got funny period pain cramps at bottom of bump while I was there, and she felt and said my bump had gone solid at the same time, and it could be the start of things, so fingers crossed!!
We discussed water births and home births (something I hadn't thought about before) but it sounds so calm that I might have to look into it, see how much hiring a birth pool is, it's all exciting now, happening really fast, he'll be here before I know it, getting impatient now!
Glad your appt went well, which birthing option are you veering towards?
That's great that your appointment went well. Oooh I wonder if things are gona start progressing for you really soon! How exciting!

I'd absolutely love to have a water birth but I'm not allowed cos I'm classed as high risk as I'm having a vaginal birth after caesarean (VBAC). Its meant to really help with the pain of contractions through labour.

Here's hoping that you won't need your 41 week MW appointment ;) x
I'm impatient too!! Can't wait ! Eeek not long for us!! X

Glad your appt went well, which birthing option are you veering towards?

At the min I think it'll be a water birth at the Midwife Unit, because I was talking to my OH last night about what the MW said re home births, and he wasn't too keen. Its his first baby, and he said he always imagined pacing hospital corridors, and the whole rush to hospital and him being born etc....I think he thinks we're living in a film or something, bless him. tried to explain I'd quite like a home birth, but he kept saying what if things go wrong with me or the baby, those few seconds to get me to hospital could be vital, so now I'm unsure :(
BabysMomma : thanks hun, I hope I don't need it either, will be tearing my hair out if I go over! it's a shame you can't have a water birth, but the docs obviously need to keep you and little one safe, which is most important.

Constantstar : I know, how impatient now!! You're closer than me, are you all ready for little one?

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