36wk midwife appointment


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2007
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:wave: had my appointment yesterday and all is good :dance: Baby is 3/5 engaged :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: I know it might still take weeks for him to come but I feel it's finally getting closer. :cheer:

I am off to aquanatal class this afternoon.. I am sure that with all the jumping we do I get him engaged even more :)
Woo well done :cheer: :dance:
Bubs was 3/5ths engaged at my 36wk appt last week too yay
i keep telling myself cud be anyday now, although knowing my lukci ll go 2 weeks over and have 2 be induced lol :lol: have to laugh about it or ill cry lol!!
aquanatal? sounds active. think il just have a nap lol x :sleep:
:rotfl: It is pretty active.. I have slep 12 hours last night and need to go out and do some exercise. It's my second day of maternity leave and I am getting bored :roll:
exercise? :think: I don't think I know that word anymore :lol:
its really bad since about 30 weeks, I have become a professional lazy bum bum who does, erm, nothing! :oops:

you have inspired me a bit, I'm going to bounce on my birthing ball :lol:
Will the MW tell you if the baby is engaged or do i have to ask her? she never seems to say anything about the baby when she examines me, i had to ask which way round the baby was lying last time, she said she didnt know, couldnt tell weather it was a head or a bum she could feel!! :wall:
i hope i get a differant one for my appointmnt on monday!
I had my 36 week appointment today, hopeless MW but she did say baby hasn't moved down at all.
Is that a bad thing or is there still plenty time?
My midwife doesn't usually say much either. She didn't mention it but wrote it in to my pregnancy notes :cheer:
kmac said:
I had my 36 week appointment today, hopeless MW but she did say baby hasn't moved down at all.
Is that a bad thing or is there still plenty time?

I think you still have enough time for the baby to move down. I am sure that I will be stuck at 3/5 for ever :roll:
you got loads of time hun my bubs still isnt engeged :eek:

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