31 week midwife report - UPDATE bottom p1


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2007
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Well, it's good news for once :cheer:

NO ketones anywhere to be seen so although I'm still not putting on weight the midwife has no concerns because my bump is growing nicely.

Fundal height was 32/33cm which means I'm still above the biggest line but the same distance above it as last time, which is good.

She had a good poke around and she says Connie is now head down (I could have told her that, or rather my bladder could have) in the right postion for birth :shock: with her back to my left and her limbs to my right - which is why all the kicks have been over there of late. Obviously no engagement yet but at least she's in the right place!

A very positive appointment! Well, until I went to the supermarket afterwards and passed out in the queue!! Luckily there was a midwife in the queue behind me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotfl:
:shock: Are you OK?

How lucky was that though having a Midwife in the queue!

Put your feet up and take it easy.

Glad to hear Ketones etc are all OK
I'm absolutely fine; I still keep getting these dizzy spells which are a pain in the bum. Nothing serious!!! The midwife works at the unit where I'm giving birth so maybe we can laugh over the supermarket incident while I'm in agony in 8 weeks or so :rotfl:
Great news apart from the passing out! :shock: Hope you're taking it easy young lady!
Glad to hear your appointment went well, just no more passing out or anything, ok? :hug:
be careful and look after youself - we cant have you passing out on us!!!! :shock:
Good news :dance: :dance:

Look after yourself and no more passing out - I mean do you expect to be served faster? :wink: :hug: :rotfl:
gosh anything to get served quicker eh :rotfl: :rotfl:

No seriously tho,glad your ok :hug: :hug:
Glad the appointment went well :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

You can donate some of your biff baby growth to me as im in need of some i think.

Take care of yourself passing out is not good :( glad your ok now.
OMG Bex you are sooooo unstable :rotfl: need to tie you up to something I think :wink:

Glad you're ok though :hug: :hug: :hug: you take everything in your stride dont you hun! :lol: Im glad little Connie is in the right position, thats great :cheer: :cheer: Next she'll be engaging and ready for blast off :cheer: :cheer:

Further to my posts yesterday, when I got home I checked my midwife's notes... my BP was 90/60 when she measured it yesterday (it's normally about 115/60) - and I felt really dizzy twice in her surgery so why the hell didn't she tell me I had low BP? Explains why I fell over though!!

She said 90/60 is normal?!?!?!?! :shock:
Mines usually around 90/60 or 100/60 i think it is normal, i've never had any problems with it, but maybe your body isnt sed to a bp of that number because its usually a little higher
Oh I'm fine today because I managed to spend my "low point" in bed doing pointless puzzles! Usually from about 3pm onwards I start to get a lot better.

Antenatal tonight :cheer:
I always have low bp but i dont seem to suffer to much from dizzy spells.

Hope you enjoy your classes
90/60 is pretty normal at this stage in pregnancy, hope you're feeling better though...

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