30 weeks!!!! YIKES!!!!!!!

Sarah W Baby Belly

Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2005
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What do we think of getting to this stage guys?

I remember being 16 weeks, and thinking that I didn't fancy getting to 26 weeks, and now I am at 30 weeks!

Blimey!!!!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:
It seems to have gone slowly but at 31 + weeks I guess I'm getting there.

My hips hurt at night :(
its all gone so quick for me, i dont feel like i have had a good enough chance to enjoy it.

in single week countdown now!!!!
I'm trying to reslish every day I have left.

Its a very special world being pregnant. The fuss I have got from the DH has been amazing. I get away with murder and most days I really love being pregnant.

I am looking forward to meeting my little on but I don't want this to end!
You're mad :lol:

I'm soooooooo looking forward to being two separate bodies (except for when I feel her move - that's lovely).
Im looking forward to the next pregnancy already lol

This year has been so packed that its gone to quick for me to enjoy the pregnancy, after Coby is born i will take a couple of months off then we are going to try again for the last time. hopefuly we will be lucky enough to get a sister for my little man.
I am very tired of being pregnant most days. I don't think it's sitting well with me at all. I want my body back, and can't wait to be able to turn over in bed without the aid of a crane!

Having said that, I've also thought about the fact that we planned four originally and have taken to saying, "let's wait till this one is born before we talk about trying for more! I have to go through this three more times *L*

But would definitely not just leave it at one...

Slightly stir crazy today...

LOL @ Sue - I'm on your wave length.

Whilst this last trimester seems to be flying by some days so far, I am kind of greatful. I love feeling baby moving etc but I am desprate to say hello to the little munchkin and get my body back to mine.

Pregnancy is magic and I will do it again as I don't want an only child, but the thought of eveything in this pregnancy is putting me slightly.

Not long now girls, Xmas is only round the corner, then New Years, then it's January!!!! :D
It's amazing to think that my great grandmother did this 21 times....yes, that's right folks, she gave birth 21 times. 20 girls, and the youngest was a boy, I kid you not.

That means that she spent almost 16 years of her life pregnant!

How much of a drag was that...and imagine the stretch marks!

No way would I go through this 21 times lol!
its gone so fast for me it only sceems yesterday i found out i was preg!! and im bout to have a little baby in less then 10 weeks :D :D :D :D
21!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:

hell no - she's mad!! was she desperate for a boy? Can only imagine your Xmas card list!
this pregnancy has gone soo fast for me, with my first it felt like i was pregnant forever.

I would love to have more babies after this one is born but i think i will wait a few years this time.



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