Omg the last one!


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2007
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I'm on my last flower :shock:
I remember when it was on the first one and that seems like forever ago. It's getting so close now yikes woohoo omg :cheer:
:cheer: Wooo hoo not long now and you will be holding you little one :D :hug: Im at the same stage too and part of me think it has flown by i am all booked into the midwife unit now so just waiting for the big day to happen :cheer:
yay :cheer:

i know what you mean i remember when I was on the first..saying oooooooooooo ive got ages :shock:
OMG me too i cant believe its only 5 weeks. i must admit tho the first trimester and the past 3/4 weeks did go quite slow but now cus i want to decorate most rooms in my house time is flying by.

Onlya month to go! it will fly i promise you, seems like only a few days ago i said i had a month to go!
I will be having her even earlier if she doesn't turn by monday :shock:
It only seems like yesterday that I was just finding out! This pregnancy is flying. My first one seemed to last forever!!
I thought tri 1 went so so so slow, it really dragged and tri 2 and 3 have just flown by but it still feels like I have been pregnant forever :shock:
I can't imagine what it's going to feel like to be normal and not pregnant. It feels like it's just the way I am now and I have adapted to it but it's all going to be over in the blink of an eye and then I will have to get used to being normal again.
I never noticed mine going to the last flower until I read this! I've just copied it and put in in my diary. Not long to go now - I'm excited xx

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