30 weeks seems so much further than 29+6!lol


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2007
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Today I am 30 weeks and stupidly feel like I am on the home run lol

It just feels amazing to say 'I am 30 weeks'

Phoned my mom this morning and said 'I am 30 weeks...Yaaaay'

Luckily she knows how I am and din't call the men in white coats :)

Just feel really happy. Give me a few others and all my aches and pains will have me feeling low again. But for now, will revel in this joy.

10 week countdown.... :cheer:
I know its only a day but I know exactly how you feel 30 weeks is cool to reach!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: you are on the home run :dance: :dance: xx
I'm always counting milestones, every day a lot of the time! So congrats! xxxx
:cheer: It looks good on your ticker too hun, looks like you are sooo far on. I can't wait to reach 30 weeks :D
i have it marked on the callender lol tis 49 days for me
think dh thinks i am mad lol

well done for reaching 30 weeks hun x
:clap: :dance:
Well done it's great isn't it! My DH has made a countdown calendar and my little boy gets to tick off each day! It also means that he can visualise when the baby will be here, as two-year-olds have no concept of time!!

Well done on reaching 30 weeks! :hug:
Congrats on reaching 10 weeks to go :dance: :lol:
it lovely to have presonal mile stones as well as the main ones that everyone celabrates :hug: :D

its helps me to divde it up and i didnt seem like such a long time to wait and i swear its flown by so quick it only seems yesterday i found out i was preggers and im only 3 and half weeks away from my due date :shock:

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Yay 30 weeks!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

I no how u feel tho coz i am 37 weeks on friday!!!! im so excited coz il be meeting my little Harvey soon :lol: - :shock: corr these past few weeks have flown by!
It's amazing!

Thank you for your lovely responses ladies.

I feel like I am truly 'in' third tri now. For the last few weeks, it has seemed like practice lol

I know now that within the next 10-12 weeks, I will be stressing out about bump to big, being induced, having a sweep, is this labour or BH.....Just can't wait!!lol (though I wont be so excitied when going through all these things :rotfl: )
I'm 30 weeks too!
I'm happy to be here but also terrified because my daughter was born at 33 weeks and my midwife and consultant cant guarantee it wont happen again :(
How was your daughters health at 33 weeks?

I will keep my fingers crossed for you. I hope baby wants to bake a bit longer this time :hug: :pray: :hug:
Luckily, she was fine! It was a very hard time though.
Iv already told baby they cant come out till mummy says so! :)
Woohoo, it does sound much better that 29+6 :cheer: :dance: :cheer:

I'm hot on your heels and will be joining you on Sunday- as you said this is where the real fun begins- bring on the plugs, BH, breaking waters, waddles :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Alex xxx
YAY! Well done for reaching a milestone!

I know exactly how you feel.
I set myself a goal of getting to 30weeks when I had a scare at 25/26 weeks and was prepared to give birth. Thankfully this little guy stayed put.

i take each day as it comes now, but Im 31 weeks today (wednesday) and suddenly reaching a point where I know 2 people gave birth at 31 weeks only a few weeks ago :( Just hope im not next!
inkpen: I know how you feel. I had a scare at 27 weeks. They gave me steroids just incase. Each week is just one step closer to a healthy baby. Hope all goes well for you! Happy 31 weeks :hug:

ASD123456: I am watching for you over my shoulder chick! And yes, bring on the goo! :rotfl:

bhe101: I am sure bubs will be too comfortable not to listen to what you say! :)

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