3 weeks today


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2005
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Yay 3 weeks today we're moving back to the uk from Oz can't wait to get there, there's no place like home :) and Abi will have loads of family :)
3 weeks!! how excited that should fly by!

Is your house sorted in england? what town will you be moving back too.

Keely xxx
Staying with my parents for a couple of months in Wales, then when OH gets his job sorted (long story he's police officer and is trying to rejoin in the uk) should be going to West mids somewhere not sure where yet though, his family are in Leeds so will also be back and forth there a bit i should think :)

Really excited :)
what do you think to Oz? Hubby and i are planning to emmigrate there in ten years or so
Depends wher you go, we're in South Oz and it's like the Uk 20 years ago it's a nightmare cant wait to come back, it's completely different living somewhere from travelling, i have a mate in Western Australia she been out 3 times for 6 months and loved it she's emigrated now and hates it.
I agree with you! I have lived in Israel and spent a year in OZ and now live in Denmark and there is no place like home :( Luckily I get to go back and fourth to London regularly.
Good luck with the move!
I lived half my first life here in SA and the other half in UK. Feel more british now - maybe because I "matured" there.
Now I have best of both worlds. Love the space and big blue skies in SA - miss friends and shopping in UK.... of yes, miss the daffs this time of the year too!!!!

A friend of ours has just returned from Oz... was there on business. Said he couldn't believe how expensive the food was.
Anway - you're on your way back now. I'm sure that you'll settle back with family very nicely!!

Emilia xx
Thanks and yes food is well expensive especially healthy stuff put weight on since i been back so csn't wait to get home to eat healthy and join all you girls on weight loss :)

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