3 weeks old and has slight nose bleed!


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2007
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hi anybody got any useful advice about nose bleeds!

my little girl is 3 weeks old and last night when she sneezed i noticed a small amount of blood, which was dry. this afternoon she sneezed again and there was a small amount of fresh blood. so me worrying typed into a searcg engine and the results have really frightened me! would like a bit of reassureance (sorry for spelling!) she has the sniffles at the minute but im sure its not a cold.

thanx lisa xx
i was just about to ask the same thing, a couple of times ryan has done the same so i will looking for some answers too!
I dunno if theres anything wrong, but it happens to Tia a lot and always has done... even when she was little and hadn't bumped her nose (god fobbid we had a bumped nose :roll:)... it was always worse if she had been sneezing or had a cold...she would often wake up with blood all over her pillow... it was really scary. Even now we can't predict the nose bleeds.

I think some babies/people are more prone to it than others. My mother has terrible nose bleeds, yet I think I've had about 2 all my life. :think: The blood vessels in the nose are very small and fragile and can easily burst when irritated through sneezing, after all you sneeze at like 40 miles an hour...

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