3 under 4!


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2012
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Just wondering if anyone has 3 under the age of 4? How do/did u cope? Thanks x
Have you got something to tell us sarah?? :lol:

As you know, there are 3.5 years between my 3. I can't lie, it is hard and there are times when it feels like I won't get through the day BUT I wouldn't change it for the world. The early days were the worst, I find as they get older it is getting easier.

I don't know how I cope as such, you just need to take each day and each challenge as it comes and try not to worry about what 'might' happen. Oh, and routine! Having a good routine in place makes life so much easier.

Good to hear from you, hope you are all well x
My eldest was 3 years 2 months when baby no 3 arrived in January. So I now have a 3.5 year old, 2 year old (just) and 4 month old. I echo what SunnySue has said it is hard. Theres never a spare moment but I am however on my own with no support. My eldest two are the best of friends and usually play quite well together while I am feeding and settling baby. Don't get me wrong there are times when I am breastfeeding baby, wiping one toddlers bum and stopping other toddler drawing with crayons on my carpet all at the same time! I call this the mad house.

Unfortunately for me it has caused very bad PND and anxiety. You need a lot of support with 3!

Are you expecting again Sarahlouise?
Thanks Hun, sounds madness but a lot of fun and love! It's a long story but we had a whoopies last Saturday so just waiting on af showing up,should be due on Tuesday xx
Haha my third was just one night and technically I ovulated a few days later than usual. She was determined to get into the world :) Good luck, if af doesn't show it was just meant to be :)
Well this was only the once and we hadn't done anything in ages! I have long cycles and ov late so will wait and see if it's meant to be x

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