2nd labour???

I had a much quicker labour the second time around, I skipped the 1st two stages of induction due to being stretch to 2cm after a sweep, My waters were broken for me, I was put on the hormone drip, 3.5 hours later i was ready to push i was only in active labour for 8 mins, Three pushes then my son was born alot more quicker than my 1st child X
Second labours tend to be faster because your cervix dilates and thins out at the same time. First time labours it effaces first and then dilates. It’s like a muscle memory.
Also the pelvic floor muscles have been there before, the birth canal has stretched out before....the body on general thinks “aha childbirth, done this before”! Even ladies having a VBAC who have laboured before tend to have quicker progressing labours than their first time round :thumbup:
My own diagnosed labour first time round was 3 hours, including delivery of the placenta.... so goodness knows when I have another it’ll just fly out. Having said that...took them to break my waters for any progress to happen, I went from 4cm to fully in 20 mins and they didn’t believe me when I said I needed to push. That really, REALLY hacked me right off. Like I’m stood here doing it involuntary for the crack.
My second labor was FAST. Got to the hospital 9 minutes before he was born. Pushed for less than 2 minutes (vs over an hour of pushing with baby 1). Which was great cause I HATE the pushing part!
I really wanted a water birth but I didn't have time to get in the pool. I didn't even have time to get my trousers off! Lol! I gave birth with them round my knees! Haha!

I pushed a little bit in the car on the way. Not much but my poor hubby drove like a pro that day! Honking the horn, flashing the lights the works!


Hahahaha yes!! This is the way my husband drove with baby 2 also, swerving around stopped traffic (it was rush hour) and driving over the sidewalk and shouting “SHE’S IN LABOR” out the window. It was like a scene in a movie! 2 hours earlier I’d been at the grocery store. The freakin’ GROCERY store!! I got home from that at 3:30 and my son was born at 5:17!

I wanted a water birth too but I was 9.5 when the midwife checked me when I checked into the room and I was like “do we have time to fill the birth pool?” And she was like “um...”
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Second labours tend to be faster because your cervix dilates and thins out at the same time. First time labours it effaces first and then dilates. It’s like a muscle memory.
Also the pelvic floor muscles have been there before, the birth canal has stretched out before....the body on general thinks “aha childbirth, done this before”! Even ladies having a VBAC who have laboured before tend to have quicker progressing labours than their first time round :thumbup:
My own diagnosed labour first time round was 3 hours, including delivery of the placenta.... so goodness knows when I have another it’ll just fly out. Having said that...took them to break my waters for any progress to happen, I went from 4cm to fully in 20 mins and they didn’t believe me when I said I needed to push. That really, REALLY hacked me right off. Like I’m stood here doing it involuntary for the crack.

Ooh fast! Why do they not believe people when they say they need to push?! It's not exactly fun. I was pushing down as I got in and they asked me to stop so they could check. I was like um...not really voluntarily doing this! Xx
Sometimes if babe is back to back women get the urge to push way before they reach full dilation. But you know, if you need to push then heaven and earth isn’t going to stop you eh!
I always Say no one knows a woman’s body better than herself, she must be listened to!!
My second and third labours were induced, for DS2 I was pushing for 20 minutes, for DS3 I pushed for 6 :shock: It wasn't fun :lol:
My first labour in total was 36 hours although i only felt the last 2 hours (waters started leaking had to be induced 24 hours later) my 2nd labor i woke up at 6am in agony thought i needed a poo soon realised i was in labor got to hospital at 8am had her in my arms at 8.20 i only pushed for 20mins with my youngest and had to push for just over a hour with my first.
omg if things get faster with each baby if i have another one dont think i will even make it out of the house
hmm i must be the only one 2nd labour was longer than the first....however there was 8.5 years between them! Maybe that means my 3rd will be the superfast one....i hope so!
hmm i must be the only one 2nd labour was longer than the first....however there was 8.5 years between them! Maybe that means my 3rd will be the superfast one....i hope so!

My first (daughter) the early stages lasted a few days but active labour was about 5 hours, my second (son) I was induced and from my waters going to having him was 7 hours. So second was longer for me too lol.

My daughter I progressed from 5cm to 10cm in 15 minutes. Not sure how quickly I progressed with my son but they checked me and told me to stop pushing as I was only 6cm then a few minutes later I was pushing again but it felt different and they just told me to go with it. He did get stuck (shoulder dystocia) but I tend to dilate very quickly at the end.

Not looking forward to dilating quickly again this time as it's all very intense when it happens quickly :(
ChloeNat ooh agree with that. The intensity of quick dilation is a little scary. But I'm hoping for a quick labour regardless xx
i'm concerned about how fast and intense it might happen if i'm induced, as my spontaneous labours were only 5 and 7 hours from established labour to birth. Drs will be keen to induce by due date due to my age but i think i will decline
hmm i must be the only one 2nd labour was longer than the first....however there was 8.5 years between them! Maybe that means my 3rd will be the superfast one....i hope so!

i had 8 years and 363 days between my 2 babies hoping it wont be that long for the next one although the youngest is nearly 7
hmm i must be the only one 2nd labour was longer than the first....however there was 8.5 years between them! Maybe that means my 3rd will be the superfast one....i hope so!

i had 8 years and 363 days between my 2 babies hoping it wont be that long for the next one although the youngest is nearly 7

I had an 8.5 year gap then this will be a 18 month gap!

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