28wks baby measuring small **UPDATED - GOOD NEWS**


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2007
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Hi All,

I don't get to post much on here these days as I no longer have internet access at home, but i am hoping that y ou girls can offer advice or similar experiences to mine at this point.

i was at the MW today for routine blood tests (anaemia and gestational diabetes) and also to have a hot of Anti-D. this was all fine and passed without problem so far, just need to wait for blood results.

MW then palpated my tummy and baby has been found to be transverse lie. not too concerned about this right now, as there is still plenty of time for the baby to shift, but what worried me was she said the baby was measuring 22cm...i should be measuring 26-30cm for my dates.

can someone reassure me that things will be ok? i have another MW appt in 2 weeks to check things, and will be booked for a scan at 34wks.

panic stations already, just when i thought things were going well.

Sorry i couldn't be posting in a cheerier mood, but you know how it is.

Thanks in advance :hug:
hiya sorry i cant offer u any advice/info but im sending u lots of hugs :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

did u ask your midwife if that could be something to do with baby being transverse??

hope u get some more helpful answers :hug:

luv sarah. x x x
The fundal height measuring is not very reliable so I wouldn't worry yet. The scan will confirm for definate. The chances are it's nothing to worry about :hug: :hug: :hug:
Totally agree with MM... fundal height is a load of old tosh.

I think Bloom was measuring similar to you at your stage and she gave birth last week to a perfectly healthy baby girl (admittedly quite small at 5.5lbs but she was a week early!)...

According to my fundal height I'm having a biff baby, and I'm sure I'm not... well, depending on whether I go overdue which is looking quite likely now :cry:
If it was your fundal height then of course you'll measure small...... she's measuring across his/her width not length.... my baby is lying with his head really high so I'm measuring big.... at least my midwife said that was the reason... she said they aren't much of an indicator unless your baby is head down and just in the right position!!!
I can second the above. If bub is lying transverse rather than head down then the bulk of his or her length will be sideways rather than at the top of your uterus if that makes sense?!

Anyway, try not to worry :hug:
Thanks for the replies girls - i knew you wouldnt let me down :)

MW did say it couldnt be accurate, but rather than go back in a month, we've to go back in a fortnight. so i suppose they are just picking up on it early, and keeping an eye.

Thanks for all replies, hopefully we'll get another growth spurt soon :pray:
I really wouldnt worry, i was measuring small too, they sent me for growth scan everything was fine, then i gave birth to a healthy baby girl 2 and half weeks early weighing 5lb 9. So dont worry yourself about it.
I've heard this method is unreliable too.....in fact they didn't even measure me at my 28 week appointment last week!

I'm sure all will be ok.

i was measuring 30 at 36 weeks and they said she was too small, but i ended up having a 7lb 1 oz baby at 9 days early!!!!!

i cant say if your baby is small or not but i do know its not necessarily true that a small fundal height means a small baby!
Hiya Skimpy,

Try not to worry too much as the others have already said - as long as baby is active everything is likely fine. When I had my first baby I measured small at 28 weeks-ish and they sent me straight for a scan but it was fine, and Daisy was born at 42 weeks weighing 6lb11. When I had my 2nd they suddenly decided that I was really small at 37 weeks and sent me for a scan immediately; they were talking about delivering early and predicted that the baby would be about 5lbs but I escaped that one, and when Rosie was born at 40 weeks she was 6lb3! Even scans aren't always that accurate!

All I'd say is keep an eye on the movement - I think that's always what reassured me that everything would be fine!
Just a we update to anyone who was following this...had middy yest and baby is still transverse. booked in to see consultant in 2wks time and get a scan.

good news im measuring 28wks now. which must still be wrong...how can i go from 22wks to 28wks in 2wks?!

just decided to chill out and let nature take its course. nothing else i can do. if it is a c-sec then so be it :|

I hope everyone is fine and bumps growing well. we dont have internet access at home anymore so im snatching moments on friends puters when time allows.

off for a nosey now to see what i have missed

take care x :hug: x
The babies possition changes your fundal hieght, i saw midwife with baby head down, 2 days later they measured her 2cm bigger, just cos she'd flipped around, fundal isnt accurate.
If you feel healthy, baby is moving, no bleeding or funny pain etc etc i would take it that baby is fine,they didnt evewn measure my fundal last time i went but i did it myself lol
hello all, hope you are well.

A quick update as i was at the mw yesterday.

baby is still transverse :(

starting to feel really uncomfortable, as i am putting on 2-3lbs each week and my bump isnt growing :x so as baby gets bigger, my abs are getting sorer and feel bruised with all the stretching sideways.

sounds bad, but im getting fed up of friends/family/mw telling me there is plenty time and space for it to turn. i know my body and the baby has been positioned this way for weeks now. and im in a panic about it now, having tried being on all fours, hand stands in the swimming pool...everything.

crapping myself about seeing obstetrician on friday. they will persom a scan and we will find out why bubs is choosing this position.

most of all i am struggling to come to terms with the possibility of needing a section. i know i am lucky to know in advance if this is happening, but it stil feels crap.

hopefully after friday i will either have good news ( placenta isnt preventing baby turning and engaging) or i will at least know what is going to happen.

take care all :hug:
Hi Skimpy,

Sorry to hear that LO is still in the funny position. I really hope Friday brings better news for you.

And having a section isn't all that bad (I've heard it's far quicker to get over if it has been an elective). I felt let down at first when I had mine but the main thing was I had a gorgeous little girl at the end of it; I got to miss out on all the pushing and pain (I didn't realise how exactly how much of that lovely stuff I'd missed out on until I had my 2nd, ha ha!!!)

All the best :hug:
Hi Daisy, thanks for your reply. It's good to know that if it comes to it, that an elective will be 'easier' to overcome, that has made me feel a bit better.

How are you keeping? :hug:
Hi Skimpy,

Not too bad, had a bit of a scare today and yesterday (have posted about it in a thread I started a couple of days ago) - went to hospital but they are fairly confident that I'm not about to go into labour so although I'm very uncomfortable right now, things are looking up a bit.

No, don't worry too much about the poss. of having a c/section - it may not come to it anyway but they're not all that bad - just takes longer to get over (on the positiive side though, you've got little option but to sit down and cuddle your baby without feeling guilty about other things that aren't getting done, ha ha).

I alot of ladies have said they were told they were measuring small. To me the quoted weights were small :rotfl:

Babies put on 0.5lbs a week in the last few weeks. So it sounds like many were given decent predictions. (and scans have be 25% off at times my mate tells me)

The average baby ( I read the other day) is usually said to be 7lb 7, but has recently gone to 8lb odd.

An overly large baby was usually 8lb11.

So, to be fair to the hospitals, I think a lot of you did have babies on the 'smaller' side. And they are more likely to worry about causes for small babies. I asked them about that last week, as I am having a biff.

For me, scan correlated very near to fundal height. For others it is way off.

if the baby is transverse, it would defo be transverse!!!

Sorry you are feeling a little low Skimpy. It must be really uncomfortable for you. I am sure bubs will be fine. My baby turned from breech to head down in two days....So, I believe wholly your baby will give it a good go to turn!

Good luck :hug: :hug: :hug:
Yay :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

was feeling a lot of movement tail end of last week. violent movements, quite painful and worrying, but guess what, bubs turned.

when we went for the scan on friday, bubs was head down and measuring perfect for dates.

just goes to show that fundal measurements are a pile of poo sometimes, and despite what you think, there really is enough room for baby to move in there!!!

feeling really happy, and bump has expanded a fair bit, will be interesting to see what they measure me at on monday....

Glad everything is ok!!

Your fundal height was obviously gonna be off due to bubs being transverse. Your MW should have seen that as obvious!

At least you got to see bubs again :hug:

Now my babies head is very low down, my fundal height has reduced. So , it all correlates somehow :?

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