28 weeks scan pictures

Hi Tankett.. sorry haven't been on for a few days..

What wonderful pics.. u must all be over the moon to see him so clearly!!

All my scans since 24 weeks have been quite poor for pictures as cannot see much clearly at all.. but your pic is FAB!!!! :clap: :clap:

So how are you getting on at home - still suffering with your back? Had any phsyio yet? hope you are spending much time on the sofa watching the footie!!

p.s have you tried sitting on one of those ball things.. it does wonders for my backache but is not the most comfortable of positions to watch TV from!! :think:
I was just about to post an 'Anna Marie has gone AWOL again' post!!!! :lol: :wink: :lol:

I'm still suffering with my back and the physio hasn't happened yet. Hopefully it won't be long. I sometimes feel like a fraud, as when I lay down, the pain goes. But as soon as I come on here and sit up, it starts with the agony again. There is no way I could go to work. Thank god for the footie!!!

I've not tried one of those balls. Where can I get one from????

How are you doing? If you have posted something elsewhere about this, just ignore me as I'm still catching up this morning!!!
Hey Tankett..

not quite AWOL.. just been out and about alot [and watching lots of footie!!]

Sorry to hear you are not feeling any better.. must be a nightmare having the constant pain whenever you try to do anything.. I really sympathise cos I know you are an active person and if anything like me will feel so frustrated and fed up being confined.. but yes thank goodness for footie.. and then there's wimbledon [if into tennis] on soon so at least you can be distracted if you wish to be!!

I bought my ball from Boots.. it wasn't the cheapest [£20] but it is quite a good one and the right size [I needed a 65 cm one for my height] but I think you can buy them from most sports shops too.

I am doing OK thanks.. its scan day again today so fretting a bit as usual!!
Just hope things have improved or at least not worsened... if my consultant mentions early c-section again I think I may freak but I know he knows what he is doing and will suggest whatever is best for Bodette and me... :? :think: :pray:

We are sooooooooo NOT ready... OH has been busy stripping wallpaper off what should become the nursery but still weeks away from completing it.. and on Monday we finally put down a deposit on a pram after months of deliberation.. we have not really bought anything for baby yet but are receiving a few items on loan from friends / family with children which are all very much appreciated.. saves alot of money and stress over which "type" to buy! I really need to get more organised and compile a list of what I really do need straight away and get buying before it is too uncomfortable to schlep around the shops!!
I'm going to send DH to Boots to get one of those balls, if it even helps a little, it will be £20 well spent. Ooo, Wimbledon! :shock: With the footie, I'd completely forgot about it!!! :lol:

I had a feeling your next scan was around now which is why I was going to do the post. Good luck hun. I hope they see some growth in little Bodette, I'll be thinking of you. Let us know what they say.

I've got everything organised now, just need the bloody nursery to put it in! :roll: I've even washed all the baby clothes!! My SIL came round last night and I was showing her, and she was shocked as to how organised I am! The nappies, wipes, toiletries, etc are all ready, the moses basket is there, and we've even checked the steriliser, monitor and nappy wrapper to make sure we know how they work!! I'm actually thinking about beginning to sort out my labour bag - I now it's really early, but sooner rather than later!!!!

Get your act together kiddo!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
What great pics! Bet you cant wait to meet him!

Well done on getting organised - better to do it now than be caught short like I was!!!!

Definatley recommend one of those balls - I got one when I did my back in and it definatley helped


L x

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