28 week scan...


Active Member
Aug 28, 2011
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So had my 28 week scan and finally found out i am having a beautiful baby girl :D. Bought her her first pair of booties today but really need to start getting my act together on buying things for my hospital bag because ill be 29 weeks on tuesday and havent bought anything really. Any ideas on what to put in my hospital bag? Its my first and i dont have any idea at all lol.
I think you can get a list off the cow and gate website. I packed loads in mine, but then again I was in for a week lol x

Just try searching on google for a list hunny that should give you a few ideas.
Thank you :). Just dont wanna end up looking silly taking things in that i dont really need hah. X
I know this time I am going to pack aload of nibbles, I hated the hospital food. I don't know what yours is going to be like but mainly had all sorts of crap on the sandwiches for TEA, and hot dinners for LUNCH. Which I found retarted and mental :( I'd say it all depends on how long you are staying in for what type of labour and all that jazz.

Generally if your low risk and are going to have a quick easy birth then a few nighties, underwear etc should do. I had to get top ups was a nightmare x
Well as far as i know everything should be fine. The only thing is i might have to be induced because baby os quite big already. Shes 3 pound 9 and im only nearly 29 weeks so unless that would mean i would have to stay in for longer i dont know. I know i will have to make sure i take what i need because im on my own so cant really ask anyone to go.get me top ups. But ill have a look on the cow and gate website thank you. X
wow just checked my old journal with my son he was estimated 2 lb 12 oz's at my 28 + 6 week scan x He was 6lb 10 oz's born at 38 weeks + 2 days x by section :( after a failed induction. But everyone is different hun x
I know mines a little fatty already haha. Awh thats small compared to mine. I have a 34 week scan whih is when they are going to make a plan for me. X
Yeah I put it down to the medication I was taking for sugar levels. I hope everything works out fine for you hun. Are you hoping for natural delivery? x
Thank you. Yeah hopefully but if she has to come another way then i dont mind as long she gets here happy and healthy. X
Congrats on team pink! She is big! Our little one was 2 lbs 12 ounces at 28+2 lol. But their growth rates reaaly change now apparently so yours may have just had a big growth spurt :). Xx
Thank you :). Congrats to you too. I know she is a little chunk but my mum said i was the same and i ended up coming 3 weeks early. I think im further than they say though because all of her measurements are coming up bigger than they should at 28+6 and her weight as well but im not gonna argue with em. My munch will be here when she feels ready aha. X

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