28 week midwife appointment


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2007
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Just come back from this, all was fine - bubs is head down at the mo - but I'm only measuring 26 weeks, although I'm 28+4. She said this was ok and expected as I'm small (5 feet 1) - are these measurements very accurate and anyone know if they have an impact on size of baby?

Have to go back again next week for blood tests as I need an anti-D and they didn't have any :x

BP was 91/42, lowest yet, but she didn't think this was a problem - anyone else's this low?

I had my 28 appointment wednesday and was told that the measurings arnt accurate as they would like them to be, i was measuring 31cm and i am only 5ft 2" myself, but we had our 4d scan on saturday and baby is measuring EXACTLY what he should be for my dates, so im guessing that the measuring the MW's do arn't as accurate. My mw didnt seen to concerned anyway.

Can't help on the bp front though, i havent even looked at my notes to see what she wrote :oops:
Fundal height is pretty inacurate and tbh i'm jsut going by how i feel, if Tally is active as usual and seems to be growing then i'm happy regardless of measurements.

Mine was last measured at 28 weeks and i got 28 as did my mum, midwife got 29, so it was pretty spot on, however when i did mine last nite it was only 31, maximum i could get it was 32 at a stretch but i bet when midwife does it next week it'll be over again.

Not sure about BP but if midwife isnt bothered and you feel fine i wouldnt worry about it
That BP is low but nothing to worry about - mine was something like that at one stage! Do you find that you get a bit dizy if you stand up quick or anything? if so then just be careful with that in case you faint.

Low BP is always considered to be much better than high BP so you're ok :)

As for fundal height (the cm measuring thing) it's a load of cobblers (i'm being polite) i helped out with some medical students and all 4 of them measured it differently! Then the doctor did too!

Sometimes if the fundal height is way out they might send you for a growth scan and sometimes baby may be a little big for dates but generally nothing to worry about!
Thanks girls :D She didn't actually use a tape measure or anything, just kinda felt with her hands a bit and wrote 26cm so I guess it's not exactly scientific!

I don't really get dizzy spells assuch so I guess all ok, at least I don't have to feel guilty having extra salt on my chips :D
My BP is low generally and at 24 week appt was 90/50 and yesterday was 100/55, I don't think I'm feeling any effects of it I don't feel dizzy or anything. The only thing is make sure you drink plenty of water esp when it's hot.

Glad all is fine :D

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