27 weeks, braxton hicks, feel like im ready to pop


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2017
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Hi girls im just entering my 3rd trimester and already feel like im ready to pop. For the past 2 hours ive just been sorting out some laundry, washing a few pans & giving the house a bit of a clean up. I dont clean up as much as i usually would because i have pelvic pain & seem to find moving about abit of a hard task. Anyway now my lower backs aching Alot and ive got braxton hicks. Ive been getting the braxton hicks daily and they seem to last all day and get worse at night. Ive tried drinking loads of water & laying on my left side but nothing really stops it. Yesterday i had slight period cramps with my braxton hicks but that went away after a few hours. I was just wondering is it normal to feel like this at 27 weeks? I still have a long while yet till my DD. I feel so useless already and dont know how ill get through the next 13 weeks.

I have two other chilren. One born a week early, second born 2 weeks early.
I had my daughter in January but just to say from around 25 weeks I had braxton hicks constantly too. Whenever I walked etc and if I'd done the house work you've done today I would get them all evening and night. Whenever I walked I used to get pain in my pelvis and hips and legs etc. I think I had a bit of spd. A support belt helped a little but not much. Maybe ask for physio? I wish I'd done that.
I rang triage a few times about the braxton hicks and they said as long as they weren't painful I should be ok but I'd call if worried about that but it does sound like what I had xxx

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A late Congratulations on the birth of your baby girl, i had spd in both pregnancies, had a belt and physio that didnt help. Its a nightmare just turning over in bed at night. I found some gentle exercises online for pelvic pain which do help a tad. I just feel like a fat heavy whale right now. Even though im not fat at all and its just a bump i have. The braxton hicks are uncomfortable but not painful so for now il leave it. I have a midwife app next week ill just mention it to her. X
I felt really heavily pregnant early on defo. I remember googling "feeling heavily pregnant at start of third tri" as I totally felt like how I expected to feel the last few weeks haha xx

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