26th October!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2015
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I'm sorry but I am so annoyed right now. I left going to my gp for a while after getting my bfp in the hope of a booking in appointment earlier. I've been waiting all week for the postman to bring my letter. Well today it arrived and I opened it to see I won't be seen until the 26th October! That will make me roughly 11/12 weeks along! I had a miscarriage in June and I am petrified. I really wanted an appointment for the next two weeks just to check everything. What week will you be when you get your booking in appointment?
Where I am you self refer, when I spoke to the midwife she said that she'd see me at 8 weeks but due to work etc il be 8+4...week today :)
I was 11 weeks at my booking appointment I was disgusted! I ended up paying for a reassurance scan privately at 8 weeks to put my mind at rest x
My first pregnancy I was 8 weeks on the nose. This time I was 11 weeks and 1 day.
So now at 12 weeks tomorrow, I'm still awaiting a date for my scc an appointment. It's so frustrating.
I'm so jealous of those that are not as far gone receiving their scan dates lol xx
In my 1st pregnancy i didnt have a booking in until 11+3 at the hosp, i had my scan, bloods and booking in done all in the same app.
I was annoyed lol having to wait all that time!

This time i have a hooking in tomorrow, 6+2 butni think me thinks im about 8wks if shes going by my lmp xx
I self referred at 7 weeks and have got my booking in for next week when I'm 9 weeks and the midwife said she'll book my scan in then.

Last time was similar I got my booking in at 8 weeks and my scan at 12+6.
The only date I've got is my scan on 9th November - i'll be 14 weeks according to the edd on my notes. I'm going to have to call them. We're on honeymoon the two weeks before, but that seems way too late to be sensible
I've got my first midwife app at 9+6 which upset me slightly as its my first and feel totally in the dark about it all, I probably get far better advice from u girls but a bit of medical reassurance would be great
I thought it was just me. Had booking app with a trainee nurse at 11 weeks, scan is booked for next week, I'll be 14 weeks. Phoned doctors and said as it was my first, I'm surprised at the lack of support. I don't actually meet a midwife until a 16 week appointment.

Found out everything from this forum and the Internet xx
My booking in appointment was yesterday at 10+4 weeks.
I don't think the MWs tend to see you here unless you're over 10 weeks due to risks. We then get sent a scan appointment which takes place between 11-13 weeks.

I was 11+ before seeing a MW last pregnancy but my scan was pretty soon afterwards.

I prefer it this way, not so long to wait between appointments.

Spend the time planning for halloween/half term and it'll come round so quick ;) x
It really is upsetting. I also agree that at this delicate time in our lives we need to be given more support by midwives, not made to fend for ourselves. Okay I know this is my third baby and I pretty much know whats going on but it can still be quite scary and terrifying at times. I am going to ring my midwives abd make an appointment for either Monday or the week after. This time round I will take no nonsense and do pregnancy my way (sorry I have the hot hormonal head on!!) My husband told me if they wont change it he will buy me an early scan next week :) I'm also thinking because my test came up so dark inside 2 seconds at "3+4" that I might have got pregnant in July as we had tried then but I never tested. Oooh its all a big stress!!! I hope you all get your scans soon too...I might just have to be patient haha x
Tiz my third baby too but it doesn't get any easier! In fact, my last pregnancy was particularly challenging so the anxiety about it happening all over again is horrible!
My midwife yesterday said 'oh you've been there done that so i don't need to go through everything again.' Whaaa??? Seriously? :(
Can't imagine taking 2 driving lessons and being left the 3rd time to drive alone.. it's crazy.

Would your hubby be so kind as to book a scan for me too? :P lol x
I called and they've changed my scan to 22nd October :-) yay! She was very helpful and understanding actually. I'll be 11+4 so might need another scsn if it's too soon, but i'm happier with that :-)
Tiz my third baby too but it doesn't get any easier! In fact, my last pregnancy was particularly challenging so the anxiety about it happening all over again is horrible!
My midwife yesterday said 'oh you've been there done that so i don't need to go through everything again.' Whaaa??? Seriously? :(
Can't imagine taking 2 driving lessons and being left the 3rd time to drive alone.. it's crazy.

Would your hubby be so kind as to book a scan for me too? :P lol x
I know they are crazy to think that just because we have done it twice before that we should be allowed to get on with it. I had two epidurals and my second caused temperory nerve damage so I am frightened about labour much more this time than my last two! :( I will ask my hubby for you haha ;) x
I called and got mine changed to the 19th so although I'm happy its one week earlier I'm still annoyed :( I will definitely be booking a private scan next week :) x
I saw my Dr as soon as I found out, told me to make app to see MW for 4 weeks time so due to see her 1st October.x

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