25 weeks preg an seriously cant get comfy nemore


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2010
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There would be no point in me getting a support pillow for the bump because i cannot turn on my sides and if i do i get pain i think the baby wants to move position when im turning round to try and go to sleep and i also cant sleep on my other side either due to same problem so i can only sleep on my back :( which all today means now ill get back ache so my days now are over for my sleeping never slept well lastnight and its starting to bug me now anyone else getting to this point?!! x
Aw it'll all be worth it though!! I'm having trouble sleeping already and I haven't got a bump yet! If I lie on my side my stomach starts acheing if I lie on my back I wake up with bum ache lol not good!!!
I can second that hun lol
But I can say that the pregnancy pillows do help, I'm not saying they get rid of the discomfort completely or all the time but sometimes if LO is laying on side (which you are trying to sleep on) then the pillow stops you putting all weight on that side (not sure if thats making any sense).
But I know what you are meaning cause I'm waking up alot in middle of night and finding it hard to get back to sleep so feel so restless/groggy in morning.

Don't know how I'm going to cope this coming week as I'm going back to work this monday and lately I've been getting more and more restless :(
Hope you have a better night sleep tonight x
Im getting ratty as i just would like to sleep on my side which i was able to before i got a bump hes laying one head on 1 side and on the other is his bum an legs so when im trying to get comfy he gets uncomfy. Its like my belly everythings goes right to other side cos im tryin to move an i get pain that quick ive no choice but to go on me back :( lol.
Oh dear your guna get that restless and ratty at work r u sure you want to go in? lol
I hate it when i get woken up now cos i just cant get comfy an all i wana do is sleep and im getting no where grr lol. hope all goes well with going to work an baby wen u sleep chick xx
will have to put few cushions or sumit there to see if that helps but i dont like things touching my bump as i keep getting aggitated.
me too! Its such a pain. I think Im gonna grab some pillows from the spare bed tonight and try and pad myself out. Ive only ever been able to sleep on my front. I cant sleep in cars or planes because i cant lie on my front and Im really struggling now bump is too big. I wake up half on my front and squashing bump and get really worried Im hurting him :(
i cant sleep either, no matter which way i try to lay, its a right pain lol xxxx
Tiny I do that, wake up sort of on my tummy and feel worried that i've hurt him lol. I have a support pillow and it does help though scared mum to be, so might be worth ago trying pillows x
that DOES look cosy. Ive just made a baby stuff shopping list and feel like I cant spend any money anymore!! :rofl: suppose this is the rest of my days now!
ive been terrible these last few fays hardly slept at all. my OH slept in there spare room late to give me more space and i think he got bit fed up of me tossing and turning lol!
the worse thing is i know its gonna get worse the bigger we get x
Why don't you try folding a spare single duvet? I've been relegated to the spare room because of all the pillows I 'nest' in at night, and my snoring! I find the duvet moulds nicely and is soft under bump, but you can double it up between your legs etc. The supermarkets will do them for about a fiver if you don't have any spares. I'm up at least 5 times a night and have to get out of bed completely to turn round cause of my SPD but the pillows and duvet are helping. Also if you put a pillow lengthways at your back it gives you a bit more lumbar support!
I cant get on my sides let alone trying to be comfy for myself so i have no choice but to sleep on my back which all day every day i get back ache so i just got no how to sleepx
I'm not really sure i understand what's stopping you from turning on to your sides (I mean just turning, not staying there)? Could you try and explain a wee bit more?
I have borrowed my sister's wedge cushion, it is designed to sit under your bump as you lie on your side, as the end is a thin wedge shape its very very comfortable - might be worth a try :)
I'm not really sure i understand what's stopping you from turning on to your sides (I mean just turning, not staying there)? Could you try and explain a wee bit more?

if i even lean to my side it hurts as the babys obv uncomftable when im trying to get comftable because he wil be a biggish baby which im guessing my growth scans is to see how big hes getting if hes to big might have to have him sooner so on one side is his long legs an on the other side is his big fat head thats prob crushin him because its hurting me. my ribs hurt if i end up moving on my sides. its not that i struggle but i cannot sleep on my sides if there not going to make me sleep due to the baby being a pain an not being comftable.
i cant explain it nemore that im already trying although im so restless im going to have to start sleeping upright at this rate :( xx
Thanks, that helps. Firstly, your baby will be very comfy inside you! He might wriggle about if you change position but you certainly won't crush him. He's got loads of fluid to cushion him and protect him. I don't think they feel your pain either, it's more that he'll sense your stress.
My tummy hurts too if I lie down on my side, whether that's on the sofa or in bed but more because the weight of my bump pulls tummy to that side, so your sides will get sore if your bump isn't supported. That's why I suggested supporting your bump with something. Even if you are sitting on the sofa, build a wee nest to one side and try leaning over to that side and see if you can get comfy, but remember you'll need more cushions or pillows round/under your bump to take it's weight.
Every now and then I have to sleep sitting up because of the pain in my hips but it really doesn't do your ribs or back any good. Are you due to see your midwife soon? I was offered a physiotherapy class which I found very useful, and also they can show you some positions with pillows and things that support your body and are good for your circulation.
Hope this helps, I know how frustrating lack of sleep is!! x
Not seeing my midwife till next month now and i feel drained. i think i will try some cushions as ive tried before but i know i end up getting uncomfy which then i chuck them on the floor grr cant do nething right lol.
will have to speak to my midwife when i next see her if i do got ages yet lol.
thanks hun and i do think babys pulling on me sides which ever way i turn but it hurts quite bit an the only way to prevent it is to sleep on me back, i actually woke up this morning and thought to myself i cannot sleep like this nemore lol.
thanks for the tips :D xx
awww I had a bad night too :( I got 2 pillows off guest bed and had them under one of my bent legs while I kind of lay on my front without putting weight on my bump. Problem was it was comfy for about 2 mins then I realised i couldnt move :(
awww I had a bad night too :( I got 2 pillows off guest bed and had them under one of my bent legs while I kind of lay on my front without putting weight on my bump. Problem was it was comfy for about 2 mins then I realised i couldnt move :(

hey sorry you had a crap night, i think we got to face facts at some point were never going to get comfy anymore lol.
I didnt have the best of sleeps either the cushions helped a tiny bit but i still woke every few hours with neck ache dont no how lol.
my back hurt abit due to the pillows being there but it didnt help the bump as it hurts something to be underneath the bump.
Im starting to wonder if its normal for nearly nearing 26 weeks now, everything was quite good durng pregnancy only the fact i couldnt sleep lolxx
Why don't you try folding a spare single duvet? I've been relegated to the spare room because of all the pillows I 'nest' in at night, and my snoring! I find the duvet moulds nicely and is soft under bump, but you can double it up between your legs etc. The supermarkets will do them for about a fiver if you don't have any spares. I'm up at least 5 times a night and have to get out of bed completely to turn round cause of my SPD but the pillows and duvet are helping. Also if you put a pillow lengthways at your back it gives you a bit more lumbar support!

I agree with megsmeadow! At around 16 weeks i started getting uncomfortable as i usually sleep on my front. My OH was suffering just as much with me fridgeting all night.

The last week I have bought a spare single duvet in for OH and hogged the double duvet all to myself, rolling some up under my little bump, some between my knees - I have had the best sleep! :sleep:

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