24 hour count down to induction tomorrow (08-10-07)


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2007
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So it would finally seem that my baby has no intentions of coming out of his own accord, i've had two sweeps (one on thursday and one yesterday) and they haven't made the slightest bit of difference so I am booked in for 8pm-ish tomorrow night!

For some reason, just knowing when I am going in and what to expect when I get there has bought about some kind of super calm which is lovely because I was begining to think I was slipping into blind panic about the whole situation. Especially after a few nights of nightmares, pacing and watching romantic comedies at un-holy hours of the morning to take my mind off things!!

So thats it, the bags are packed, the nursery is finished, the moses basket is made up in our room and the car seat is fitted!
All I have to do now is get some sleep and spend tomorrow making the house tidy (not that it has ever been so tidy, what with all the spare time I have had) cooking something nutritious for us both before the long night ahead and soaking in the bath! Luxury! Or perhaps the calm before the storm :?

Anyway hopefully with a little luck it will be short and sweet :pray: and pictures will follow!! Just wanted to say thanks to all of you who have helped me through the pregnancy part, especially those who kept me sane at work with 3.30 chat and such things :wink: !!

See you on the other side xxxxxxxxxx
good luck hun, i hope things go smoothly, cant wait to see the pics of your little one.x
I was just wondering if you'd had baby yet as I haven't seen you around for a while!
Wishing all the best--I was induced with my first ( now I'm having my 4th!!!)
Hope everything goes ok, I'm sure it will XXXX
I wondered what had happened to you since you've not been on here much recently.

If I don't speak to you beforehand, best wishes for tomorrow night.. don't be scared :) can't wait to hear your news and see the pictures :)

michelle and ryan xx
good luck ..hope you are holding yoour LO soon
I was induced and it was a lovely experience :cheer:

I will alway remember waking into the maternity unit the day of induction, soooo excited it was finally time to meet our baby (even though she made us wait another 36 hours :roll: )

Good luck, hope it goes quickly for you and cant wait to hear your news :hug:
all the best hun, sit back and relax don't worry about a thing, enjoy it :wink:

and yep see you on the other side
The very best of luck, hough im sure it will all be fine!!!
Good luck for today, hope all goes well and looking forward to hearing your birth story x x x
Oh wow, you must be soooo excited!!! Good luck, hope all goes well. :hug:

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