21 week scan tom *UPDATED*


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2006
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Got our 21 week scan at 12 tommorow and cant bloody wait!!!!! Hopefully we will find out the sex, so ladies im taking bets now, whats it to be



Well then................Everything was great with the baba :cheer: :cheer: and..........................its 70% chance its a GIRL!!!! :cheer: :cheer:

Im sooooooo pleased all is ok but not sure whether to take it as a girl or not hmmmmm any thoughts??? Anyone been in the same boat??

MAria xx
I am usually wrong, but I will guess Boy Looking forward to finding out if I'm right. I have my gender scan on Tuesday and can't wait either. It's so exciting isn't it. xx
I voted boy

Enjoy tomorrow-can't wait to see the pictures!
I voted boy, only coz everyone seems to be having them at the mo!!!
Thanks ladies, im really nervous now!!!! But ill be sure to let you know this afternoon the news :cheer:
Congratulation, glad everything went well. 70% chance of girl!!! So it's still 30% of being a boy!!!??? I thought they didn't tell you unless they were sure. I wouldn't rush out and buy anything pink just yet if it were me. What does your instinct tell you?

i suppose with a boy its easy to tell because there is something physical there but it must be harder to tell if something isnt there. If that makes sense...!!!!

Congrats anyway hun!!!
I thought they wouldn't tell you if they weren't sure :?

Do you get another scan?
I didn't think they would tell you unless they were almost 100% sure they could tell what it was, 70% is a pretty good bet but still that's a whopping 30% uncertinty. Can you ask for a second scan or did you get a second opinion at the time? You could always have a private gender scan if you are not convinced and in honesty unless they had show my my little boy's bits in all their glory I'd have doubted their diagnosis also....did they actually show you the bits or just tell you what they thought? I'd book in for a 2nd scan if I were you or wait a week or two and treat yourself to a 3D scan etc!!
Glad scan went well. When we had ours the sonographer said 'I'm almost sure its a girl'. Maybe they're not allowed to actually say they are positive about it? :think: We had a private scan though and sonographer actually showed us LO's bits so there was no doubt :cheer:
You'd think that, Frangelle, yes, but they're not supposed to assume it's a girl in the absence of a penis/scrotum! The only way they can say for definite (well, with the most accuracy they can from a scan) it's a girl is by seeing the "3 line sign" of the labia. Did they say they could see the 3 lines, Maria? Or could they just not catch sight of a penis?

You might find this link useful reading:


Aw Maria, I don't think I'd feel any wiser at all if I were you! In fact, even after a private gender scan myself, I don't feel confident because although the person said they could see my baby's gender, I couldn't see it when they tried to point it out to me. Even three blown up photos showed nothing. It's not as though I can't make out what I'm seeing on the screen either, because I've seen fingers and toes even, but no genitals (labia or penis), so I don't 100% believe it :lol: Though that might be because I moaned that the gender scan took away the element of surprise. :lol:

Wouldn't it be funny, Frangelle, it it turned out you were right all along and you have a little girl in there?
Thanks so much for all your replies, well the sonographer just said it looks like ladies bumps!!! and thats all she said, i know I should have asked more but i completely forgot LOL.

I said really and she said yes but because the babies legs were in a difficult position she would only say about 70% :?

She did try and look twice, so im gonna go with girl i think, but only time will tell the little buggar :) :rotfl:

I really dont want to spend more money on a gender scan as things are a wee bit tight at the mo, so we will wait and see.

Maria xx
congratulations! i was right :D
at my scan she said 80-90% girl, because baby was in such a good position I guess :hug:

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