2012.. Your views?

21/12/2012 is that year's Winter Solstice.... I think it is meant to be a spiritual change, but the natural disasters are meant to be a way of provoking the change in us, i.e. joining together to assist those in need.... Odd example, and forgive me if I offend anyone but look what we all did for Princess/Caroline & their family. We came together, for a common cause.

I used to talk about this with friends a lot, if the world was going to end tomorrow, as long as I am not alone if the worst did happen, then that's it. Just to be with someone I love.
A good read Squeakz! Very comforting to know x
:yay: That looks amazing Midnight, my sister is going to Mexico for part of her honeymoon in May, I must find out where exactly it is she's going..

I think it's very interesting (for what I know :blush:)

& Polo, the worlds ending in 2012 didn't you know?? We all have our shelters built :lolly:
It scares the crap out of me. I never believe any of these storys, but I dunno.. Something about 12/12/12 freaks me out x
it is supposed to be on the 21sr!! :P

Woops! haha, I never thought anything of it until I was at my Uncles in Texas in the summer and his wife totally believes it! Since then I have been scared lol!
haha! i think so!! dont hold me totalyl responsible however there are soooo many theories going around! apparently the world was sposed to end in march/may (began with an M) however nothign happened so they amended there theory to 2012 andthe mayan thing is a spiritual change as well fro mwhat iv read! xx

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