20 wk scan on thurs - nervous


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2010
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hi girls

I have my 20 week scan on Thurs and after basking in the success (finally) of my 12 week scan i didn't give it much thought until this week. however, the last few days I have started to think about it and get really worried. Have already had 2 mcs, and I know a girl who got awful news at her 20 wk scan that the baby had a congenital heart defect and and had to abort.

was hoping for some reassurance!! is it enjoyable? what do they look for?

Hey hunny

Excellent news about your up and coming scan! I wish I could have mine again lol

I also know of someone who got awful news at their 20 scan so I understand the feelings you are getting - I was terrible leading up to mine. Just know that it is rare these things happen and try and relax a bit.

At my scan they checked the all the major organs (Brain, Liver, Kidneys, Heart etc) we actually got to see the 4 chambers of the heart working too which was amazing! They also check the face/lips etc and spine

They will take some measurements too - if your hospital offer it and they can see what you are having you should be given the option of finding out the sex.

Most of them will talk your thru what they are looking at and tell you step by step what you are seeing and that each part is ok.

I may have missed a couple of things but thats most of it I think.

Enjoy! xx
Hi Hopeful,

Im not going to lie I totally pooped my pants I was so worried, a friend had problems at her 20 week scan & had to abort but its sooooo rare, we always focus on the worst remember that.
It takes ages to do the scan as well & she seemed to spend ages looking at the heart & spine, she even went back for a second look at the heart so I was really panicking! Therefore I didnt enjoy it til it was all over & she'd said the magic words 'everything looks fine'
But you will be fine :) just make sure to ask if you want to know the sex cos ours didnt offer to tell us x
Aw hun your baby will be just perfect!!! I went for my 20 week scan and wasn't too worried...of course i had the thought "what if" but after 12 weeks everything is most likely fine. I have to go back as they didn't do all the checks...but i'm fine about it. Look forward to it hun its amazing :)
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I worried too but not as much as I did about the 12 week scan. You'll love it :) I found because it took a bit longer you get more time to take it all in. Enjoy every minute and I'm sure you're little baba will be fine :)

im worrying about mine to. i have to wait until 22 weeks,

all will be fine hun like the others say just enjoy it. as soon as you see baby again all your worries will disappear. xxx
Just keep positive Hopeful. It's really easy to slip back into worry mode as a scan approaches, but the 20 week scan shouldn't be as much of a worry as the 12 week one. It's a good sign if you've been getting bigger and had no problems. I found the 20 week scan so much more enjoyable. It took longer because they do lots more measurements so you should get to see your baby for longer. It's a great feeling coming out of the scan, (unlike the 12 week scan when you still have to wait for the downs result) and really exciting if you want to know the sex. Try to relax and enjoy it. Xxx
thanks girls :) i think that i will be the same - not relaxing until i hear the words, everything looks fine! it's nice to know other people on here worry as well!

thanks girls :) i think that i will be the same - not relaxing until i hear the words, everything looks fine! it's nice to know other people on here worry as well!


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