20 week scan -Updated with pic


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2007
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Had my 20 week scan yesterday. :cheer: All is well. Baby was far too busy curled up sleeping to have its picture taken. Will post the picture this evening when i have scanned it in. We didn't find out the sex even though we were offered.

I have a low lying Placenta so will have another scan at 36 weeks. Really hope it moves as i don't want a c-section. Have anyone else got low lying still at 20 weeks?



Any ideas on the sex?
I had a low lying placenta at my 20 week scan with Cayla and Aidan's pregnancies. On both occasions they gave me another scan to check it had moved. They said it was quite common at 20 weeks to have a low lying placenta and usually as the womb grows the placenta moves up. Sometimes this isn't the case tho.

I had a low lying placenta with first pg and a scan at 28 weeks to reveal it had risen up, so was okay.

Have it again with this one. Was offered scan at 34 weeks but DD born at 33 weeks so they're scaning again at 32 weeks!

I'm not too worried - just looking forward to another scan! (it won't last very long though!) Like you I would hate a c/s.

Apparently it is rare to have it twice. The placents doesn't atatch itself to the side of uterus in the same place as previous placentas. (What about those who have numerous pregnancies? :think:

Don't worry. I'm sure it will be fine.
have updated this with a pic. Any ideas on the sex?
aw wow! What a fantastic clear picture :)

I dont have mine for another 5 weeks :(
I am thinking blue too but an hoping pink. Either way i am just very excited. :dance:

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