20 week scan date come through


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2007
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8th Feb at 9:50am. It says on the letter that it's in the Xray department not the antenatal clinic where I had my 12 week scan. Is this normal? And :oops: do I wee when I get up, normally about 7ish, or hold my morning wee till after the scan?? :oops:

Feel really stupid asking this! :lol:
8th February is exciting, day after my birthday...I'm sure it will be here in no time. Mine's the 30th March, seems like ages away!! Not sure about the xray/antenatal departments, perhaps call the midwife unit and just question it? Oh and you can pee when you get up that's fine!

Nicola xx
Yeah...pee away......you don't need a full bladder or anything for your scan. I'm not sure about the xray question, it may be that thats where they keep the scanning machine, so thats where the 20 week scan ladies go.

I think the machinery that they use is bigger for the anomoly scan as they take more/ different measurements.

I was scanned in a different room from the one for the dating scan, but they were both in the same general area....but then our maternity unit is quite new so I suppose they've ensured everything is pretty much in a similar location.

Call your mw if you are concerned :hug:

Oh, and never feel stupid asking questions chick :hug:
Aww thats really exciting for you. I've got mine 5 days after you. Can't wait. I dont think you need a full bladder for your 20 week scan coz baby is a bit bigger. I wouldnt worry where it gets done as long as they do it. The x ray dep will be fine hun.

Yay thats great its on my OHs birthday :)
As for the full bladder on my scan sheet it says you have to have a full bladder unless your in the last two months of pregnancy.
Maybe phone in and check with them to be sure .
I went for a scan the other day and got told off for going for a wee first! I thought there was no need for a full bladder but she said its best to have a full bladder at any scan! :oops: I think she was having a bad day though!!!
But you dont have to hold on from when you get up!! Just drink lots in the hour before!!
jools221181 said:
I went for a scan the other day and got told off for going for a wee first! I thought there was no need for a full bladder but she said its best to have a full bladder at any scan! :oops: I think she was having a bad day though!!!
But you dont have to hold on from when you get up!! Just drink lots in the hour before!!

Have a wee ( :lol: ) look at this thread...

http://www.pregnancyforum.co.uk/forum/v ... hp?t=21482
I had my last but one scan at the Ultrasound / X ray department of the hospital. When the consultant scanned me (to check the heart beat) he used a mobile ultrasound. It wasn't so clear as the other scanner. Maybe it's because of the size of the machinery (bigger, clearer scanner) in the Xray dept that you are being sent there. Probably nothing to worry about either way. :)

I'm not sure about the full bladder thing. I was told to go with a full bladder (drink a litre of fluid, squash or water up to an hour beforehand they said) but when I got there the sonographer made me empty my bladder! :wall: Can't win either way. LOL

Good luck!


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