20 week scan .....and we're team....


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Well it's been a while since I last posted as I have been soooo tired over the last few weeks. It's been busy at work and then I've been away most weekends too. I'm not sleeping v well because it's just too uncomfortable now. In the evenings when I usually go online, I just can't lift a finger these days let alone type.

Anyhow, generally things are going great. My pink bundle was a little naughty at the scan. I obediently drunk my litre of water and went to the hospital with an uncomfortably full bladder. After a lot of prodding the sonographer said that it may be best for me to go to the loo as bubs was lying far too low to do all the measurements. Well that didn't help so I was told to go climb stairs and walk around the hospital for 20 min. When I went back to the waiting room and sat down, bubs was kicking so I thought that was a good sign. By the time I got back to the ultrasound, all had gone quiet again and bubs was curled up in a little ball at the bottom of my pelvis. The sonographer kept prodding with the probe and eventually bubs moved enough for her to make the measurements...other wise we would have had to make another appointment. Finally, she was able to tell us the sex...Phew. I had been so excited about the scan and would have been in tears if the sonographer had given up. We were in there so long.

I also had an appointment with the obstetrican and due to a fibroid, they won't let me wait past 40 wks before induction (not sure whether that's a good thing at this stage as I would like things to be as natural as pos but then I like the idea of having the baby on 08.08.08 - my due date). There is also a higher chance of premature delivery but everything looks good at the moment so I'm not too worried just now. One good point is that I'll get a scan at 28wks and 34 wks so I'll get to have another look again (hopefully bubs will be more cooperative for the next ones).

Well that was far too long :oops: sorry....Am so delighted to know that I'm having a girl (a boy would be just as welcome but it's nice to know).
Congrats on team pink :cheer:

Hope you feel more comfortable and less knackered soon :D
Congratulations on joining Team Pink :cheer: :hug: :cheer:
Hope everything goes well for you at future scans and regards the fibroid, very best wishes :hug:
Congratulations on your pink bundle, it's so exciting :D


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