2 misscarriages


New Member
Nov 29, 2010
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I new to this site and hoping for some answers as i so confused and scared. I a healthy overweight lady with am regualar cycle. I have one healthy child. which i concieved no problem just one cycle. I am Trying for my second one with no luck. I fall pregnant quite easliy between 4 to 6 cycles now on the other side of 35 . I had two miscarriages in 6 months one at 5 weeks and the second one at 6 weeks. I read so much conflicting stuff saying being overweight cause you to misscarry? so i was wondering if this is true? is there any one who misscarried twice and then gone on to have a healthy baby who is also been overweight? I feel so sacered to try again.
Hi hon, welcome to the forum. I'm really sorry to hear about your losses. I'm not sure on weight and m/c to be honest but I do know that the odds are still on ur side after 2 m/cs. I really hope if you decide to try again that it happens for you and we're all here to support you. The ladies on hyere were amazing when I had a m/c earlier in the year and have supported me through my worries over this p0regnancy too so you will find them a great help x x x
No advice but sorry for your loss and as karen said the odds are on your side now with the 2 MC xxx

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